Whoever wants to visit the source Santa has to go through four doors, first the entrance to the Santa, then the second door in the corridor and two airtight doors deeper.
These door keys have been specially treated, and different keys can be used to hit different doors, but not all keys can be used to hit departments.
And motion sensors are all over here
An art allows you to see the top and entrance of the Santa Tower from a few kilometers away, covered with high-reflectivity flat mirrors and prisms, which are made by artist Dwick Sonny and reflect sunlight in extreme daylight to make it a beacon; At night, it is colorful, and two optical cables make it possible to change its color from turquoise to pure white.
Selected from the restoration of the Sashaye Chronicle
On the third day of the trip, Cai Qin looked up when everyone was eating dinner made of crustaceans and mollusks mixed with coral slime sauce.
The place where they camped was covered with coral, which broke the surface of the road and invaded the surrounding buildings. The old street was flooded with bright green moss.
"Did you hear that too?"
They all turned to face those stone ruins, the top of which was faintly visible, and the vague outline of the skyscraper ruins was as big as an ancient plane, and manta rays shuttled through.
A aruna auditory system failed to capture the sound vibration, except for the grinding sound of the water controllers, and then aruna jumped up. She also heard the deep, repetitive elegy. At first, the sound seemed sad, and then the sound intensity changed slightly to hum, mixed with whistles and grunts from time to time.
Aruna opened her eyes wide and recognized a pair of megawhales swimming a few kilometers away. She guessed that it was a female in front and a male megawhale singing a complicated courtship song to the female whale.
"They’re heading north. We’d better hurry …"
Kania said that Aguayne packed their things.
"How do you know?"
Aruna turned to ask Kania Tsai, who was helping her father pack his things, while she listened to the hypnotic melody of Megawhale with fascination.
"I know this song is different from different regions, and the frequency of this song is 6Hz. Look at them, they are the largest creatures on earth."
"No, they’re not the biggest … you should see the giant sequoias. Those trees can grow to more than 100 meters high and weigh up to 2 tons."
Ai Guain stared at aruna with wide eyes.
"There are giant sequoias in the highlands?"
"They are chimera species, born to resist bad weather. We have three plants in Kilimanjaro."
The water controllers sent aruna into the sealed cabin to settle down and put away his bubble house. Cai Qin took out some strings and gestured, "We can save a day by hooking them and they can take us away."
Excerpt from the restoration of the Sashaye Chronicle
On the seventh day, Li crossed the krill waters and aruna saw the entrance to the fjord.
After a while, after covering the lush aquatic life, something was exposed, and she saw an exciting sight.
Eguain showed her the images in the ancient record disc exactly like those she had seen when she was a child. The walls of the Windward College and the corolla of the Sun Tree owner were covered with all kinds of sketches and graffiti depicting the origin of the Santa Tower.
Her people are faced with a dilemma: either send the children to search for the source of the sacred pagoda or stay put, hoping that all this is just a big lie, in other words, either slowly weaken the main nest or watch it collapse in generations.
Old Kan Delerm once explained to her that they decided to keep the great flying ceremony because they paid attention to the importance of saying that it was not important to arouse "morale" among people.
Because of the great flight, the life expectancy of windwarders is much shorter than that of their ancestors, but they have eliminated this disadvantage before sexual maturity
They usually give birth to a generation in adolescence, so their population has not plummeted as predicted by the elders. The strongest individual can have a baby because of the great risk of taking part in a great flight. Delerm once famously said, "It is better to raise a hero than an orphan."
However, it may also be that the natural selection of windwarders was accelerated in the second ecological transformation to produce more radiation-resistant offspring.
The windwarders know that they are genetically modified life and have evolved to adapt to an extreme and constantly changing environment, and an opportunity to make the environment change again is in this heavily guarded provenance Santa in front of aruna.
Aruna and his team kept in formation, and the pilgrimage tower was close to Cai Qin. Suddenly, they realized that their feet were intertwined and the plant was rising rapidly. It was actually a huge giant algae capsule.
If we don’t hurry, the entrance will be blocked.
Eguain motioned the team members to speed up or they would be swallowed up by the capsule.
"swim!" He then made a sign to Cai Qin, who opened his gas valve as wide as possible.
"No, we will surf."