The emotional voice gradually became full of resentment. "Don’t you want to talk to me if you don’t talk?"
"No, I don’t want to come to you. I want to go home!"
I shouted with tears in my voice, "Dad! Mom! Come quickly! "
"Ho ho …" A vicious smile came from behind. "You can’t escape. You can’t escape. Now that you’ve come to me, don’t go … I got you!"
Suddenly my shoulders tightened. In the dark, I saw my fingers melt and my hands pressed there!
When I exclaimed, my eyes suddenly turned to light.
“! !”
Familiar and cordial, I vaguely saw my father and mother’s faces close to my eyes and I was lying in bed. It seemed like a dream just now.
At the moment, I felt that I was steadfast to the extreme and wronged to the extreme at the same time.
"Wow … mom, I’m afraid … blare …" I started to cry. "That burned child killed me … blare … I just saw him … blare …"
"Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid." Mom sat on the bed, hugged me, patted me on the back and comforted me a little. "You were just scared and had a nightmare. It’s okay. No one can hurt you with mom and dad."
I felt a little calmer, but I sobbed "I’m cold"
My mother touched my forehead and was shocked again. She said to her father, "Why hasn’t the child’s fever gone down yet?" And it seems to be even more powerful. It feels hot! "
"No way, I have just fed him two antipyretics." Dad also reached out to touch my forehead and then his face changed color. "It’s even hotter!"
Mother worried. "He has been talking nonsense in his sleep just now! Let’s go to the hospital quickly and don’t burn our brains out! "
"Good hurry!" Dad grabbed me from the bed, got up and ran out. Mom hurriedly pulled a mattress from the bed and hurried to put it on me, and even forgot to lock the door.
It was dark, and I don’t know what time it was, but I saw that all the neighbors were in darkness, and the lights were not as quiet as those in the village. It should be late at night.
It’s really cold, and it seems that there is fog, black fog slowly permeates the eyes, and the surrounding scene is getting dim. I try my best to rub my eyes and when I open them again, I suddenly see a figure looming in front of my house. Those big round red eyes are staring at me!
"You can’t escape …"
His mouth crack with a strange and bitter smile.
I quickly turned my head and shivered all over. He came to my house. What should I do? What should I do?
"The child is shaking," said his father, and he ran quickly. He was really worried.
"What’s the matter?" Mom’s voice broke into tears. "That place is so fantastic."
"Who knows!" Dad said in a gloomy voice, "Everyone says that place is evil, but isn’t it okay if we go?"
"Can we be the same as adults or children?"
"It’s not a child to go. Didn’t we meet Erwa when we went to find it? Why is he all right? "
"I don’t know," my mother said irritably. "I’m young."
"I hope I have a cold and a fever," my father said.
"Dad, that kid is at our door." I panicked for a long time and finally couldn’t help but say this sentence.
"Ah?" Dad didn’t think straight for a moment and said, "Which child?"
I muttered, "That’s the one who burned the child …"
Dad was silent for a moment and said, "This child is talking nonsense when he is awake."
I argued that "I didn’t"
"Okay," dad said, "You close your eyes and sleep for a while."
Dad didn’t believe me, so he stopped talking.
My brain is really dizzy, and I feel like I’ve been ripped out, so I have the strength to close my eyes and gradually fall asleep.
This time I slept soundly and never saw the child again until I woke up.
When I woke up, I smelled a pungent smell of medicine, and then I saw that I was lying in a hospital bed. My parents were sitting next to me and looked at me with a sad face.
It’s already dawn
Seeing my eyes open, my mother immediately got up happily and said, "Are you awake?"
"Is it still cold?"
"It’s not cold anymore"
"Are you hungry?"