"Do Buddhist adults always want to be pregnant?"
"I don’t want to move!"
She suddenly turned a little angry and pushed the big villain.
"You bullied me almost enough as soon as you came back today, right? I’m leaving. "
She said that she would hide her figure.
"Where else do you want to go?"
Zhao wrong around her.
"where dogs don’t bite"
Chu Biezhi glanced at him. At this time, she had got up from the bed and exposed the snowy shoulders from the quilt with fresh bite marks.
"You said me? Pot calling the kettle black! I have more than my shoulder where you bit me. "
Little grandpa Gherardini grabbed her face.
"Out of thin air"
Chu Guo-shi scoffed at me.
She won’t admit it.
However, there are ways to cure her in the Crown Palace.
"If you want to deny it, I’ll carve your body marks on your skin again. Master, you won’t forget where you just bit the hardest, will you?"
Said the little grandfather, blinking, and held her in his arms, and they put their cheeks together.
"You are so annoying ~"
Chu Biezhi pushed his face with a little disgust.
"I can’t hold you? You must not refuse. "
Zhao thief said strongly that Xiao Biezhi picked up his powder fist and beat him. He didn’t resist too much.
"You have work to do? That Kuangyi is steady, but you have to go to the cicada city. "
She is difficult to worry about low say
"How many days will it take us from Cullen District to Mobei?"
Otherwise, I won’t let her loose. When I have a small Buddhist, I can barely think about that hateful witch.
"This trip took the initiative to" Luan Pinellia ".You have to go to her to discuss whether to bring trouble when the time comes."
Chu don’t branch light said
"I know"
General Zhao nodded his head.
"She asked me to solve Kuang Yi’s problem before tonight and give her a reply, so I’ll go over and bother her when she wants to rest."
He said with a serious face that princess royal Temple should not be too comfortable, so he should give full play to his non-hostage.
Xiao Biezhi raised his hand and hit him without saying anything.
Prince Zhao knows how to find fault
"You should be careful in everything."
She said after a meal
"Although we are now allied with the princess of the demon president, this is temporary after all. You must not have the slightest trust in her."
Zhao cuo feels a little guilty when listening to her words, but she is still confident on the surface.
"Of course I know that."
He said in a light tone.
"I didn’t sleep even one night when she was in trouble for half a month, and I never dared to really fall asleep for fear that I would survive a dream."
I don’t even know how soundly I slept the other night, because I didn’t even blink my eyes. I didn’t wake up when Xia Yaonv Jin Chai stabbed him in the neck.
"I’m relieved that you are conscious."
Chu Biezhi moment
Guanwangdian made up her mind not to see the witch. She hugged Buddhist adult Hu Fei all day, and she couldn’t stand to hide her figure in the afternoon.
He is not comfortable without a beauty to accompany him now, but he is not willing to go to Princess Youwan for fun. Before dinner, he sits quietly in the house.
"I should go to see" Luan Pinellia, right? I haven’t seen you since the early hours. It’s only less than one day … "
Zhao Cuo closed his eyes, but the heart lake was full of waves, indescribable anxiety and erosion.
"But it’s not nightfall yet …"
He took a deep breath.
He knew why he was in such a hurry to see the Princess Hall.
Because he’s going to Xia Yaonv to discuss things after entering the city of Cicada.
"I’ll just wait two hours to find her when I fall asleep. It’s killing two birds with one stone and I can’t be impatient."
Prince Zhao calmed himself down again, and this time the effect was good. He succeeded in meditation.
But there are always witches who want to ruin his practice.
Outside noise
"General Zhao …"
Princess royal, that girl named Young Beaver Maid sounds.