"You’re good at fencing and you have a high possibility of learning fencing. Come to me! And get out of here! Satellite magic is about to attack here! "
God bless and ignore the turtle dove’s gaze and go to the heights of the paradise.
"It’s interesting that men are very powerful, although a little abnormal and not serious. Interesting! Hey! " Turtledove also leaves Paradise Tower after pulling tights.
the other side
Elsa came to the top of the tower where Gerald was. At this moment, Gerald got up and looked at the chessboard in front of him. "The fairy tail is really surprising! Everything is planned, but it is full of many uncertainties! Forget it, anyway, my long-cherished wish is about to come true! " Gerald walked step by step to La lusa until he stopped at a few steps.
Gerald was handsome and once ranked high in the list of "Want to be a boyfriend wizard"
There is a tattoo on the right eye, double eyelids hanging eyes, short hair with golden sky blue pupils. Young people often wear a purple sleeve turtleneck and stop wearing gloves after 7 years.
When he was a child, Gerald was imprisoned in the paradise tower, where he was subjected to inhuman abuse every day. There, he met Erza Scarlet and other laborers. He was their leader. He also used Elsa to take the name of Shuka Leto (crimson), but he and Elsa waited for an opportunity to escape from the paradise tower under the control of the "cult" but failed in the end.
Gerard rescued Alusa after being tortured by the cult and imprisoned by jelf, the dark wizard (in fact, he was brainwashed by urrutia, the head of the seven families of the "Devil’s Heart" purgatory, the strongest dark guild in the baram League, and became a ruthless, cunning and vulnerable person. He killed the cult cadres and then drove Alusa out of the paradise tower, threatening her not to come back, and told the workers that Alusa abandoned them and naturally left the workers to continue building the paradise tower.
Gerald’s magic
Speed up your body like a meteor.
Seven stars sword
Cast like the seven magic beams of the Big Dipper falling from the sky and smashing the opponent’s power is quite real meteorite impact.
Dark paradise
Hands are crossed, and even shadows around them will extend in the opposite direction, resulting in sucking all black holes, sucking everything into the darkness and destroying it.
"Gerald! I want to liberate my former companion! " Elsa looked at Gerald with cold eyes.
"No problem, they are no longer needed. The Paradise Tower has been built."
"Even if it is going to be destroyed in ten minutes, do I care?" Elsa asked like Gerald.
"You mean satellite magic Eddie Leo?" Gerald asked.
"Is this really an empty situation?"
"No, Adilio will definitely fall!" Gerald said with a twisted smile on his face
"So I’m at ease! I’ll stall you here for ten minutes! Everything should be understood! " Elsa took out her weapon and got ready to fight when Gerald said, "No! You will become a jelf pole and die! This is an unchangeable fact! This is your destiny! Alusha! "
On the other side, Gray and others have already left the Paradise Tower with a boat with Rushuang ice.
"Damn it, you can’t turn around so quickly!"
"No, you can’t!"
"Adilio is about to attack!"
"You are quiet! Everything must be obeyed by my brother! " Rushuang said to the crowd, add that evil spirit, and the crowd will die.
"Even if Eddie Leo fall can mutually assured destruction with you is a wish! I have nothing to fear now. "Elsa is going to die with Gerald with such awareness.
"Mutually assured destruction? Try it, Elsa! " The purple with red stripes in Gerald’s hand is full of evil.
I saw Gerald waving a few magic bullets with his left hand, dragging a long track and shooting at Elsa’s hand. The red tassel demon knife waved and instantly attacked the magic bullet department.
The battle between the two men caused many damages and collapses in the top building of Paradise Tower.
"It’s really no way to build a tower with your own hands but destroy it with your own hands! Gerald! " Elusha’s sword was cut at Gerard. Gerard dodged sideways.
Gerald laughed and said, "Hum! One or two columns are just decorations. "
"I cheated my companions for so many years after I lost one or two columns!" Elsa yelled at Gerald.
Gerald is still a leisurely look. "Hey, hey, Elsa, don’t be so excited!" The important thing is that it took years for R to unify this and this was finally completed! "
Gerald’s eyes flashed and he saw several tentacles on Elsa’s feet. Tentacle monster! The tentacles trapped Elsa and formed a round cage.
"Although you reach a little higher, you can’t stop there."
"I won’t stop there. I have nothing to fear now!" Elsa came from the cage, and then several swords flashed and saw the cage being chopped. Elsa broke the cage behind Gerald.
"impossible!" Gerald, who has trapped Elsa for a long time, is also surprised.
In an instant, Elsa stopped Geral and rode Geral’s long knife beside Geral’s neck.
"What is your purpose? R system root has not been built yet! In recent years, I haven’t done everything, and I have also conducted some investigations on the R system. I really made peace with the design drawings at that time from the structure and principle, but I lacked the key part to build the R system. "
"I’ve already said I want you to be a sacrifice," Gerald replied.
"There is another problem before this. What is missing is magic! It takes a lot of magic to start this huge magic! This is because even if you gather in the mainland, the wizard may not be magical enough. Let’s not talk about the human body. Even this tower can’t be so magical. You know that the judges are going to attack this tower, but you don’t escape. What are you thinking? " Elsa pressed this Gerald.
"There are still three minutes before Adilio falls!"
Chapter seventy-four
Save Elsa Ximeng and defeat jelf.
"Gerald, die together!"
Satellite Magic Adilio Paradise Tower Descended