There are many people selling their own chickens outside the chicken farm, and cockfighting is popular in Chaoge. After all, it is not difficult for many farmers to raise chickens, and it is not difficult to grow fast. There are also a lot of nobles who like cockfighting to compete for high prices and have no buyers.
Chonghouhu fell in love with a cockfight at a glance.
Crown red eyes are big and sharp, beak is thick and short, hard tip is slightly curved and sharp, neck is thick and long, flexible legs are strong and powerful, tibia is long and sharp, square claws are thick, hard and sharp, body feathers are thin, thick and rigid, short and close to the body surface, and the feathers are shiny and colorful, and the flapping is powerful.
It is said that the chicken king has a good chance of winning the championship in this competition.
It’s delicious when you buy it!
Zhou Wang extravagant rule will eat and enjoy the minister is a good minister!
I heard that there is a football match in the East Gate, and Chonghouhu is too lazy to run around and watch cockfighting. This atmosphere is really good.
By chance, he saw Zhao Gong, and there was a rich Taoist around him, but he was unlucky to spend a lot of money.
Just now, the rich Taoist on the gambling stone side went out to buy the biggest flower stone class of several parties, and nothing came out. Now the cockfighting is also the least favored chicken, and it failed in the first round.
Chonghouhu didn’t watch cockfighting again. He realized a problem.
There are old women selling vegetables in the city, but there are no charcoal wengs and no snake catchers.
It says that the city has prospered.
It is foreseeable that as more and more people can refine oil and sell it, there will be oil sellers, and the people will slaughter livestock and there will be kitchen workers
This is the extravagance of Zhou Wang. People have something to do, and with money, copper coins have circulated and become a virtuous circle.
When the people get rich, the country gets rich.
City? The Japanese-Chinese market has caused Tianmin to gather goods and goods and retreat to their respective places.
This is Zhou Wang’s great wish!
Chonghouhu suddenly remembered that Zhou Wang called the market sale business.
Zhao Gong, Xiao Sheng, and Cao Bao all learned that the Taoist Master’s Association was responsible for the promotion of copper coins, weights and measures?
Because copper money measures business.
Chonghouhu thought of a great merchant sage who was sacrificed when Ji led his ministers to sacrifice the ancestral temple king a few days ago.
Wang hai
The sacrifice specification is as high as the soup, slightly lower than that of the merchant’s ancestors. There are actually 300 cows in the sacrifice livestock.
Although it was against the etiquette for Zhou Wang to make the courtiers eat after the sacrifice of 300 cows, this scene was more grand than that.
At that time, worshipping Hou Hu felt strange that Wang Hai was comparable to the ancestor Sheng Wang.
He didn’t know that Wang Hai was great until he repeatedly asked him about it. All previous kings in Zhou Wang were so ceremoniously offering sacrifices to Wang Hai.
Wang Hai raised livestock and tamed cattle, and sent ox carts to train them, so that they could pull carts and carry things. He also sent double-wheeled carts to help the tribes with wheels to move regional obstacles to livable places, thus promoting the combination of agricultural production and farming, and gradually expanding the division of labor among the tribes in agriculture, animal husbandry and handicrafts.
After the Shang Dynasty had more food, poultry and tools, there was a lot of surplus besides the clan, so Wang Hai took some of the surplus and let his clan often go to the wilderness.
Go back every few days to see that the found things have been taken away, and his tribal things are put there. This is an exchange.
With the first time, there were the second and third times. From then on, Wang Hai often led tribal members to take cattle carts and silks, millet, millet cattle and sheep to other places for barter.
Since then, the exchange volume has become larger and larger. Wang Haicheng was the richest man of all tribes at that time, and promoted the development of tribes with new technology tools.
The strength of Shang Dynasty comes from the continuous exchange of trade between Wang and Hai, which makes the grain of Shang nationality increase day by day and the national strength become stronger day by day.
When the soup was formed, the forces of the Xia Dynasty organized women’s textiles to exchange food and wealth, and commerce, agriculture and handicrafts were all more advanced than those of the Xia Dynasty, thus replacing the rising situation and replacing Xia Liguo.
Therefore, after Wang Hai’s death, all the Shang kings gave him the most solemn sacrifice, not because he was a great merchant ancestor, but also because he was a prosperous businessman.
Business? Business!
Business? Merchant industry is a national policy!
Nowadays, business is limited, it is difficult to travel in one place, and the circulation of materials is inconvenient. Even if copper coins are convenient, business can circulate in one place and go far away, and it is equivalent to waste when you go to the vassal territory.
But if the road is repaired, the people can travel far and the scope of business activities will be expanded.