When Angelnan touched the corpse, he suddenly found something: "Great God, look at this jailer captain who lost a strange battle!"
"The jailer bell" is a special white quality.
At first glance, it looks like an ordinary bell.
There is no introduction in the material information.
"Finally played out!" Hang Yu smiled. "This thing will fall from the captain of the prison guard in a small probability. It should be a hidden machine prop in Kai prison."
For comrade Jiang
Hang Yu admire her most.
After all, she’s Hangyu’s personal box keeper!
Hang Yu had to brush twenty or thirty jailers’ teams on the first floor of Wandering Prison before he had a chance to drop it. I never thought that it would fall out before it was brushed for a half.
He patted Angelnan on the shoulder. "Go!"
Angelnan is a little embarrassed to scratch her head. She thinks she didn’t do anything. What will the monster drop and what does it have to do with herself?
Ten minutes later.
Hang Yu suddenly stopped.
In front of him is a special prison. His prison is different. It is closed in all directions, like a huge fortress, but there is no access.
"Should be here …"
Hang Yu activated the bell, and the quaint bell floated to the middle and shook automatically, but instead of making a sound, it released coils that the naked eye could barely distinguish the light waves.
Zhang Xiaoqiang exclaimed "hit! There are secret passages! "
The bell disappeared.
A passage appeared in front of us.
This passage was not before.
Zhao and Xu Tianhua are aware of what they are doing. This is a hidden area. Highlord Kalimlo must not know this place either.
Hang Yu ordered, "Dogs explore the road!"
Several Erha members quickly entered the middle school and reported in a few minutes. "Boss, one of the few monsters here is quite strong, like a Lord."
"Really?" Although Hang Yu knew the general situation for a long time, he was relieved to hear two dog’s report. "Let’s go!"
Two dog detected a similar situation.
This is like a jailer’s lounge.
A dozen or twenty jailers wandered around, and one of them was a different guy. It looked like a skeleton as black as ink, with a height of three meters and a pair of scissors in armor.
The strength of the jailer’s 14-level silver Lord monster is really not bad. It is this hidden BOSS monster in the hidden BOSS room.
"Lao Zhao Lao Xu, you deal with these jailers around you, and I’ll take care of this leader."
He five people, two dog, big ants are out.