Zhang Haohao anxiously said, "Gao, you really want to be anxious. Come on, what is the reason? What is the position of the men and women?"
Zhang Haohao was eager to be promoted but took a deep breath. "Aren’t you white?" What, one day there’s a room, and the next day there’s nobody? And dusty. What made that couple so powerful? Less than a month after the flood, each of us dare not relax and try our best to strengthen ourselves, but compared with others, it is a far cry from combining these two clues, so there is a possibility … "
He paused for a moment before saying, "A group of people before us entered this flood world."
Everyone around me was shocked. Even if Su Li guessed what Gao Shengyi wanted to say, he could still take a deep breath at the moment.
Zhang Haohao opened his eyes and looked puzzled. "Before entering the flood world? What do you mean, high? Can you make it clear? "
Gao Shengyi said, "You still can’t understand?" After thinking about it, I said, "I don’t know how to explain this bizarre phenomenon, or I don’t know what force caused it, but the biggest possibility now is that there are such a group of people who may have been in front of us for a month, a month or even a year, and they always entered the eye before us. This flood flooded all disasters. Think about it. We have been here for less than a month, and if we can continue to be strong, what kind of state will we be strong in a month or even six months? Can this explain why that couple were so powerful just now? "
Li Xinyu couldn’t help but shake his head. "It’s impossible. Although I don’t know what the men and women are so powerful, any explanation is more reasonable than yours. For example, they may not be real humans, or they are gifted or have some kind of adventure. You always say this understanding is too ridiculous."
Zhang Haohao said, "Gao, your reasoning is nonsense. Everything was normal before October 15th, and no one was missing. Where did the flood come from? How did someone enter a month or six months ago? What a mess "
Zou Yingying said softly, "Mr. Gao’s speculation is based on the principle that unless there is a parallel world, our world is exactly the same. The only difference is that this world is flooded, so it is possible that we will enter this flooded world on October 15, and others may enter it a month or six months ago."
Gao Shengyi praised, "Miss Zou is right. If we introduce the probability of parallel worlds, it can perfectly explain all this."
Zou Yingying shook her head. "But even so, there is still a serious loophole here. Maybe Mr. Gao didn’t notice it. For example, let’s assume that there is a parallel world. Everything in our world is exactly the same. There are a group of people who entered this parallel world one month before us, that is, on September 15th. Then this person should have disappeared from our world before September 15th. But Mr. Gao just said that those mysterious missing people were seen the day before the flood, and they didn’t disappear until October 15th when the flooded city."
After listening to Zou Yingying’s words, she was stunned and then pushed the bridge of her nose and murmured, "Yes, even if we introduce the parallel world theory, this is indeed a very contradictory method and reasonable explanation."
Su Li said, "That’s not the way to explain the contradiction. There is another way to explain the contradiction. It’s less than a month since the flood of buildings flooded Nanjiang City. Many buildings that surfaced have been damaged. If someone really entered here one month or six months before us, do you think we found that Nanjiang City was flooded on October 15th? Less all high-rise buildings have not been damaged. "
Gao Shengyi frowned and said, "Yes, according to your analysis, I just guessed that there is still a big problem. Damn it, what the hell is going on? It’s a pity that I didn’t have a chance to ask the man in red armor and the woman in thunder-filled blue armor. If I ask them, maybe everything will come out."
Ding Hui didn’t speak until she heard this. "Yes, I don’t agree with the so-called parallel world conjecture. I think this may happen because we are experiencing different time lines."
"Different time lines?" Gao Shengyi looked at Ding Shi’s brother and sister.
Zhang Haohao said, "This is getting ridiculous. I think you have complicated a simple matter?"
Gao Shengyi said with interest, "Oh, what do you think?"
Zhang Haohao pie pie said, "You will wonder whether you think that the man who just met the red armor and the woman in the blue armor are too powerful compared with us, and that they can’t become so powerful in a short time, so what time line or parallel world is pulled out? I think you just solidified the simple thinking and complicated the problem."
Su Li looked at Zhang Hao and found that there was some truth in what he said.
"We guess this way not only because we all think we are the best, but we all try our best to upgrade our strength. As a result, we suddenly find that there are two people who are so much better than us. The first reaction is that it is impossible. Then, just like Lao Gao, I immediately guess whether the other party has experienced these things before, or whether the parallel world is different in time. I wonder if people are not allowed to be really awesome, that is, one day in a billion years, or what adventures they encounter, that is, they become so fierce in a short time, and no one stipulates that no one is allowed to become so fierce in less than a month.
This sentence made everyone look at each other and at each other for a while, but people could refute it.
Zhang Haohao said, "Well, even if it’s not for this reason, there are other possibilities. For example, if they are not human at all, we will recognize them as human, or they feel like they have a figure and can speak our language, but even this can’t prove that they must be exactly like us. Just as Su Ge said before, what kind of new human can the forgotten terran be brought back to life after being drowned? So, are the men and women also another kind of higher intelligent creatures? Are they similar in appearance or something to us? Then it’s what people used to say about high-dimensional creatures?"
Zhang Haohao said that Gao Shengyi rarely nodded and said, "I really can’t see that you said something like a sudden ignorance. It is also possible that you just said it."
Zhang Hao stared at him without doing anything. "What do you mean, Lao Gao? What do you mean I just said something human? Do you mean I said it wasn’t human?" I got excited and wanted to start work.
Gao Shengyi smiled and said, "No, don’t be so excited. Sit down first. I just made a slip of the tongue. I just wanted to express that what you just said was quite constructive. You are right. We just had some thinking limitations. We always feel that if we can’t do it, no one else will do it as much as we think. Maybe the truth is really like you said, the men and women are actually as strong as we are."
Chapter 32 Flood in Ancient Times
Zhang Haohao listened to Gao Shengyi and sat down again. "Of course, I don’t mean it must be like this, but it is possible. After all, I also feel that they should be a little different from us. I don’t believe that they can become so powerful in such a short time like us. I think the biggest possibility is that they are not actually human beings, but the fact is that they are other species."
"It’s like the myth that there are all kinds of gods. Maybe they just don’t necessarily say that we humans look like gods?"
Wen Ying sighed, "We have talked so much about reality, but we have nothing substantial. Therefore, it is too difficult to understand the great flood. Now it is certain that there are two results: one is that they are human, and the other is that they are not human."
Zhang Haohao said, "What you said is nonsense. Is there a third possibility? Half human and half non-human?"
Wen Ying frowned, and now everyone is used to Zhang Haohao’s virtue. He is too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Haohao’s sarcasm, but said to Gao Shengyi, "Brother Gao, do you think those men and women were human beings or other higher intelligent races like us?"
Gao Shengyi pushed the bridge of the nose glasses frame. "I thought they were human, but now I don’t know what you said."
When he said this, he suddenly looked at Zou Yingying and said, "Miss Zou, I think you have great knowledge. Do you have any other guesses?"
Zou Yingying listened to his question and hesitated. "I also have a little guess. I don’t know if I should say it."
Gao Shengyi said with a smile, "Now we are all discussing and expressing our own conjectures. Let’s make more suggestions, so as to help us understand the real reason behind the flood as soon as possible. What does Miss Zou think, even if it is wrong, it’s nothing."
"Well," Zou Yingying gently nodded his head and then took a look at Zhang Haohao before saying, "Actually, what Mr. Zhang just said inspired me a little. I think that couple just now should be human, but it is possible that we are very different, otherwise it is hard to understand that they are so powerful in such a short time."
After hearing what Zou Yingying said, Zhang Haohao was so happy that he was busy moving over to her side. "You are quick to tell me what I inspired you? What did you think of when you were inspired? "