Although he didn’t know that Qiu Chuji was carrying a rosary just now, the bearded Taoist’s wrist was shaken and trembled by the rosary when he cut the first rosary with his sword, but he saw it really.
Maybe it was the Taoist who installed the shoulder position to pick up a life.
Now, most of these rosaries have hit Qiu Chuji on the wrist, his head and face are all over the place, and there is a collision between them. The ejection method is hidden and all the exits are closed, so we can’t steal life.
Is the rosary just send Qiu Chuji figure suddenly ten percent as if someone behind him a power, a mysterious gesture sword cut to the landing yan hong turbidity.
As soon as Qiu Chuji’s figure went there, he kept standing behind him, and when he was running at a high speed, he didn’t show any flaw. Yang Zaixing was exposed to Karatu’s eyes.
The young man clenched his fist like a gun, and the bonfire soared behind him.
The human body is like a fiery plow knife, splitting the rosary cloth, breaking into the shadow of the forest.
As soon as the red cassock turned over, Kratu was shocked and ducked back.
The red dress is like a gyro turning out a frightening soul sound. The rosary is running rapidly around according to the established trajectory. One is that the tree breaks and touches the other, and the bluestone is shattered.
In the distance, the bonfire fire fell back and the forest was dark again.
Yang Zaixing walked around the red shadow gyro and looked back. The knuckles of his right hand were left with edges and corners that did not belong to flesh and blood.
The rosary fell to the ground, and the red cassock danced several times and stopped.
Karatu opened his mouth and throat to thunder and roar "Xiahou …"
He stopped his head, but didn’t stop. He spun several times and flew half a mile.
Qiu Chuji drew a sword that pierce Yan Hong’s turbid forehead and shook his body off.
Although the confrontation was short-lived, the bearded Taoist priest was already sweating profusely.
Yang Zaixing chest also some ups and downs.
He is a 16-year-old true fourth-generation brother. This is the first time that the "mountain" killed the Lama in red. The process is also somewhat thrilling.
However, after all, it is the Yang family who have a little understanding of the history of this world, and it seems that there is a kind of resolute murder in nature. Looking at the scene of the separation of the head and the head, there is nothing in Yang Zaixing’s eyes.
After two people silent several interest glances.
"Come more than these two."
"It should be that when we arrived at the stream, we were not sure about the follow-up of being original, and then we split up."
Yang Zaixing said, "The stream is messy, and there should be people in the Wulin in the direction they are pursuing."
Qiu Chuji’s face was dripping with sweat and he sank a sigh. "Kill!"
Yang Zaixing smiled.
Although it is not the same, it seems that the founder of Chongyang is not the same.
But this man is really like a mountain man now.
His teenage mind suddenly laughed. "By the way, I haven’t reported my name yet."
Qiu Chuji looked at him.
"True brother Yang Zaixing"
Qiu Chuji surprised way "you are true, wait a minute …"
"Yang Zaixing? !”
Chapter 452 Due to fate, Excalibur whales will swim north.
There is a forest seven miles west of Niujia Village.
Looking at the mountains from afar, the shadows overlap, the night is deep, the insects are singing constantly, and some wild animals are howling far away.
In the evening in Guo Xiaotian, Yang Tiexin, Zhang Shiwu, a man in a small hotel, took a full-bodied drink and went home to take a nap. He felt hot and energetic and brought a hunting fork and a bow and arrow to the forest.
Let’s see if we can find a few animals to feed on while the moon is shining high.
They are both in their twenties. Guo Xiaotian is burly and heavy-eyed. Yang Tiexin’s face is whiter, but both of them have some skills. When walking in the forest, they are afraid of disturbing their prey. Even if they step on dry leaves, they won’t make much noise.
Where the soles of the two people run over, the fallen leaves break like dust, which is very uniform.
After going deep into the forest for three or four miles, they still gained something, but at this time, a silver light flashed in the distance and shook Yang Tiexin’s eyes
Yang Tiexin grabbed Guo Xiaotian and whispered, "There seems to be someone fighting over there."
Guo Xiaotian listened to it quietly, and sure enough, he vaguely heard some voices calling for fighting from that place and wondered, "Lin ‘an, after all, is in the dead of night, but how can someone fight here?"
There was some hesitation in his heart, and he didn’t know whether to pretend not to hear it or to explore it along with curiosity.
However, the sound of fighting came so fast that before they could discuss it, they had already dialed the branches and leaves of the forest near to several feet.
At this time, if you dodge in a hurry, you will be afraid that the noise will cause them to pay attention.
Yang Tiexin caught a glimpse of the trunk of a big tree not far from the right, and three people folded their arms. The thick and leafy crown was like a thick cloud, so he took Guo Xiaotian to jump and climb and carefully hid in the crown.
As soon as they hid themselves, they saw a shadow coming.
It was a young man in cloth with gray temples, each with a cane in his arms. When he fell from the middle, he jumped up again with a cane.
Yang Tiexin was secretly surprised to see that it was the owner of Niujiacun village head tavern who limped. Everyone in the three villages often went to his shop to buy wine.
Yang Guo and his wife love wine. Since they moved to Niujia Village, they have been dealing with Qu San most frequently, but they have never seen that he has such a high martial arts.
Wait until after the pursuit of Qu San that a few people appeared, this surprise added a few minutes of vibration.
The four men who came because of the chase were all dressed in official clothes.
Guo Xiaotian’s knowledge is shallow, and he can’t tell from the clothes that these people are all in positions, but he can tell from the complexity of the patterns and the quality of the materials that one of the four people has the highest status and is calm with his hands.
The three of them are more like the first-class catchers, and they are a little impetuous when chasing steel knives.
Yang Tiexin’s eyesight is better. He saw a token hanging around the waist of a military attache, and it was accidentally illuminated by moonlight, as if it were made of gold and engraved with a lot of handwriting.
His literacy is limited, and he only saw the words "… martial arts doctor … defense makes … Shi Yan" when he shook for a moment. Even a big official.
I don’t know how Qu San provoked the government, but it was led by such people.
Before and after Qu San arrived, he also saw the tree face folded by three people, revealing a smile imperceptibly, and two crutches flew away at the same time.
When he was half-twisted, he turned his back to the tree, and a parcel behind his back was thrown to his chest with this movement.