"Uncle’s adult Miao Hua zong ruined …"
His brain is as confused as the reflection in the eyes of a female shave, but it is clearer in front of him. There are few bright colors, but it is refreshing and elegant in Wen Xiu
He had previously doubted the authenticity of this face, but at this time his brain was more awake than before, and that mind prevented the sound waves from penetrating
"Ancient sound!"
Never before has this name brought him quite complicated emotions. Their chests are full of flavors, but he can clearly feel the most original ingredients.
He knows exactly what it is: guilt, despair and … jealousy!
"Dare to laugh a man not husband …"
He tasted Zhong Yin’s judgment, and the wound on his chest seemed to be slowly torn by a pair of hands, and then his eyes became blurred again. Then several flying lights filled the rumble, and the long river moved forward at a hundred times the previous speed. The name "ancient sound" was like the hardest reef in the river, and every collision stirred up thousands of waves.
From, heart, pain, despair …
Every "ancient sound" has his shadow beside it. He seems to be the hub that dominates everything and controls the fate of ancient sounds.
But gradually, the ancient sound also exerted an opposite force, which made him also deviate from the natural track.
He suddenly felt that he could breathe in front of him, and the ancient sound was a bridge. Every time she flashed, her picture had a very unique feeling, which penetrated into the limbs and his soul was mixed together.
He opened his eyes wide, and there seemed to be a pair of deep eyes facing him in the colorful world. He talked about how to divert his sight and turn his body to escape. The emotion of staring at the name was injected into his heart through these eyes.
He trembled, and his heart kept rising with complex emotions. He couldn’t tell whether it was injected from the outside or accumulated in his heart.
Ancient sound, ancient sound, ancient sound … He chewed the name over and over again, and a wonderful sense of alienation slowly sprouted. He wanted to ask himself if he knew the ancient sound like this.
And instead of escaping, the blurred reflection of those eyes slowly became clear before eye contact, revealing a figure he had never thought of.
Isn’t it me in Gu Yin’s eyes?
I’m … Like this?
Doubts flashed through his mind. He wanted to close his eyes. Although he couldn’t stop the intrusion of colorful light, he was only interested in this instant. His tongue burst with spring thunder. "Gu Zhixuan get out!"
The sound of the end is endless in the world, as if thousands of people are screaming "get out, get out, get out!"
The world is turbulent, the colorful light is twisted and shaken, and finally it crashes and breaks.
Li Jue’s eyes are wide open, and the forest is worried about the sea. He is a projection of his own mind, but he has never felt his true self like this.
With that fleeting light, he knew that there was a big shock in the sea, and there was a figure slowly condensing in the chaos ahead.
It’s ridiculous to know what vision to talk about in the sea here. It’s the most direct contact between the gods and minds. There is no pretense to dress up the other party’s unique mark, so Li Jue’s image is clear and profound
Li Xun confirmed the identity of the figure and suddenly laughed. "Zhong Yinxiu, I am extremely admirable, or I prefer him as the king of the green head!"
At this moment, Li Jue can be sure that he has grasped the core of all mysteries.
This is the first time that Li Xun really "saw" Yu San.
Although it is a wisp of ghost.
Chapter VI Competition
Li Xun’s first impression of Yusan people was a smile.
Even though I have known the true face of a puppet, Li Xun still can see each other clearly because just a smile makes that guy’s face blurred.
In a more understandable way, it is a guy who always smiles. His smile makes people uncomfortable, maybe charming, but there are too many things hidden in it.