"protest effect!" I teased her on purpose
"Hum!" Rollin Wang pouted and sulked.
"Well, my brother-in-law is wrong. My brother-in-law promises to ask your opinion first when eating with you!"
"Don’t lie and I’m not a child. I’m ten years old!"
"Don’t lie. Are you a big girl, not a child?"
Doby is young and beautiful, and Rollin Wang is quite tasteful. Beautiful women can always make men feel happy, and I am no exception.
The food will come soon, and Rollin Wang and I will talk while eating.
Just then, a sharp high-heeled shoes struck the ground and the sound suddenly rang.
This is a high-end restaurant. Everyone is talking in a low voice when eating, laughing and smiling gently. It’s very quiet, but suddenly the sound of high heels stepping on the ground breaks this silence.
I was chatting with Rollin Wang, and this kind of eating atmosphere was also very good. I couldn’t help but look up at the sound source with a little upset.
"Zhao Wen?" I found that Zhao Wen rushed in with a face of anger and hurriedly walked towards the box area.
Then there was a cry and a sound of smashing things in the box area.
The security guards and waiters in the restaurant ran towards there quickly.
I blinked, and I was a little curious, but I haven’t turned to the past to see the extent. I continued to eat food and ignored things there.
However, Rollin Wang looked curious and said to me weakly after a few seconds, "Brother-in-law, let’s go and have a look?"
I glanced at Rollin Wang and said, "Is that so?"
"It’s not Zhao Wen who has been friends with my sister for a long time after all. It’s also my sister’s old friend and her parents know my mother. In case she really meets something …" Rollin Wang’s novel said.
"go! Go and see! " I wiped my mouth with a tablecloth.
"hmm!" Rollin Wang nodded his head.
Then the two of us walked towards the balcony area.
There are many curious people watching, as well as security guards and security guards.
At this time, Zhao Wenzheng was sitting on the ground with long hair and swollen cheeks, and her high-heeled sandals also fell off and cried.
The security guard has pulled the young man who hit me, but he is still shouting, "Don’t have sex with me and you can blackmail me?" There are many women sleeping with me. Do I have to marry her? Take her to America? "
Listen, listen, I’m getting a little clue. Zhao Wen worships foreign things and gets the highest goal of American green card since she was a child
And this young man looks like a Chinese American. I don’t know how Zhao Wen got to know him and slept with him.
"Bah, I spent three months chasing you. You’re still a virgin. Who knows his mother is as early as his stuff? I don’t know how many men have killed me for nothing. It took me so long. You bitch like you is not a virgin, but you can change your luck one day." The young man hugged the red woman around him and prepared to leave.
Rollin Wang saw that Zhao Wen was black and blue and her nose was still bleeding. She felt a little sorry and took out a pack of paper towels and walked to Zhao Wen.
"Sister Zhao, are you all right?" Rollin Wang napkin to Zhao Wen.
"Xiao Rong, it’s you. I’m fine!" Zhao Wen took a napkin to wipe the nosebleed.
"Sister Zhao, let me help you to wash your hands!" Rollin Wang crouched down to get Zhao Wen up from the ground.