The squad leader has shown contempt for ten years, and this group of Ah San still has nothing to bully. The Pakistani railway is far weaker than himself. It’s also full of similarities. If the bayonet is red, the horse will be timid and want to escape. You’re lucky. He can earn three or four if he works hard! It seems a little late for Indra to retreat now, because the company commander has arrived with a platoon of murderous people.
"Your ancestors bullied the old man!" The company commander rushed to see the monitor take out the glorious bomb, panting and swearing at Indra’s platoon leader’s nose. "You guys, Sam, dare to run to the old sector to make trouble. I think you are impatient! Hammer God must clean you up today! "
The soldier who went back to move reinforcements gasped, and the second one rushed to see the monitor. He immediately put a big stone in his heart and shouted, "It’s best to strip them naked and let them go back barefoot to see if they dare to make trouble!"
This little poison, this weather has stripped people of their clothes, and they won’t go back. Within three minutes, they will become popsicles. The company commander nodded mercilessly. "That’s how you should treat them!" Pulled out a pistol to resist Indra’s platoon leader’s head. "Did you take off your clothes yourself or did we do it?" You have two choices. Take it off and get rid of it immediately! otherwise
However, I always send you a health pill to go to your disgusting body! "
Indra platoon leader looked excited and even said with gestures, "You people invaded our border and we were ordered to disarm them. All this is reasonable and legal. You can’t make trouble!"
The company commander was so angry that he slapped Indra’s platoon leader in the face "invading your border, right?" Your sister, open your eyes wide and see where the border is! " He can understand the platoon leader’s bird talk because he can understand it.
According to the boundary of the day before yesterday, it was indeed the Indra border. However, the political commissar of the Chinese army was extremely ashamed to encourage the Chinese army to beat up the Indra border guards, but he still made an idea to let the Chinese border guards blow up the post and transport all the rotten bricks back to build a toilet. None of them were left for Indra. The Chinese border was rightfully pushed forward for about 500 meters, and it became the Chinese border. The platoon leader had to be reasonable. "You have seriously insulted the dignity of Indra soldiers!"
The company commander kneeled this little crotch. "Go and protest with your mother!"
The fact that the platoon leader turned pale in an instant surprised the Chinese soldiers-it turned out that Ah San can be so white. This white man can definitely get to participate in the global handsome boy competition if he is put in New Delhi. It is said that Ah San is an Aryan purebred white man. It seems that there is something really wrong. This handsome boy saw that the platoon leader first got slapped, then he quit his long cry and threw away his gun. He asked his fist to get justice for the boss. Of course, the Chinese army responded enthusiastically and threw away his gun. Screaming, cursing, punching people’s bodies and rumbling are endless. This kind of thing happens once every three days. This kind of place can’t even get enough oxygen. Those border guards are talking about suicide. It doesn’t hurt to have a fight before peace. It’s also a pastime. Don’t use knives or guns. Don’t kill people. Usually, you turn a blind eye. Of course, the head here is the company commander. He is the biggest officer here. Dozens of soldiers are wrestling into a spectacular ball. Today, everyone seems to be very excited and impulsive. In less than two rounds, a lot of people broke their heads, and many people just gave people a dry crawl and couldn’t get up. When you came and I was not careful, you would step on these poor people and even step on them. The poor people were trampled on their crotch and rolled around like international tenors. This scuffle has added a lot of color
The soldier who went back to move reinforcements came from Henan. It is said that his parents grew up in Shaolin Temple and practiced with the monks for twelve years. The company commander said that he would be sent to the reconnaissance company, which is where he should stay, but he died.
This Shaolin soldier couldn’t go to the reconnaissance company, and he got that bullshit 6 base in the northeast to serve. A good reconnaissance company couldn’t go in and had to go to a place where he didn’t even know where to serve. But our Shaolin soldier was so angry that he died when he hit it. All kinds of stunts, such as talons, iron sand paws, and jumping legs, met Indra soldiers in his hand, and none of them could get up until Indra soldiers found out that this little fight was too fierce. Two of them were together, and in less than three seconds, one was killed by him. He grabbed an Indra soldier’s wrist with a backhand stroke and held a sharp bayonet in his little hand! Mom is not moral. I think the bayonet is old! Shaolin Batman was so angry that his right leg jumped out of control and kicked the soldier Indra, who was struggling desperately. He screamed like a pig, like a dog, like a blacksmith, and everyone was quiet.
Three hours later, the commander of the military region was sprayed with saliva by Indra military attache for the second time in three days because a Chinese soldier maliciously attacked the vital parts of one of their soldiers, which caused the soldier to lose the ability to reproduce grandchildren and demanded that the murderer be severely punished and apologize to the victim! The commander of the military region is angry and funny. It feels outrageous. Those soldiers are too poisonous! All right, how do we end up beating people up? After seeing off the angry military attache, the commander called the brigade commander of the 52 nd brigade and could hear his voice far away. "Check which soldier beat people like this! It’s outrageous that this kind of monster moth has been made ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. It’s too much to waste more than half a platoon in three days … I don’t have a problem with screwing him occasionally, but it’s too much to kill more than half a platoon in three days! That soldier must be severely punished and removed from the army! Yes, let him go to the 6 th base. Anyway, he can’t stay at the border any more, or in a year, Ah San will have an extra division eunuch! "
The brigade commander shook his head and smiled bitterly. What the hell is going on? It’s not a day or two since he stayed at the border. Although it’s not very peaceful, it’s never happened so out of line. The anger of the soldiers of the two armies seems to be getting stronger and stronger. At this rate, the second border war may break out at any time! This is not the case. A San’s staff frequently mobilized and screamed for revenge from his comrades, and their officers directly went to the door to discuss his grandmother! Brigadier, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my soldiers. It’s Third Master. Who did you get when you came here in a hurry to find a grievance? But that soldier has gone too far. You can just beat the man into a vegetable or just kill him. What’s wrong? You have to kick him there. Can you kick that part? this
Well, kicking someone into the last eunuch of the century, how can this end? After thinking about it, the brigade commander ordered "Let the soldier write a review, and I will go to the hospital with him to visit the wounded, and it is really unreasonable not to look at them."
The commander of the military region personally ordered the brigade commander to personally go out, which means that our Shaolin Batman can’t escape this robbery. Is it sincere enough to write a review overnight and write ten pages in one breath? First, the cause of the incident was deeply reviewed, and then the vicious incident of beating people was discovered. From this, I saw my bad thoughts, humble personality and extremely dangerous political tendency, and then I extended it to talk about the tragic fate of the ancient eunuch-this fell for sixteen pages-to set off how serious the consequences were … It was really a stroke of genius. The next day, Shaolin soldiers went to Indra Army Hospital with the brigade commander to visit the eunuch. How pitiful it was that the soldier was lying in the hospital bed. What a pity! He glared at Shaolin Batman with a bitter face. Shaolin Batman secretly held out a middle finger at the soldier when the brigade commander was talking to Indra’s officer, and made a gesture with obvious meaning-soft fall!
Such a gesture almost pissed off the Indra soldier who had lost half his life.
Shaolin Xiaobing’s behavior was so bad that even the brigade commander couldn’t keep him. Two days later, Shaolin Xiaobing was discharged from the army and sent to that bird’s egg 6 base. What will happen in the future? One day, he learned that Shaolin Xiaobing cried and packed his bags. He had to fly to Linzhi Airport by helicopter. After the plane flew back to Chengdu, Chengdu flew to the northeast and arrived at Linzhi Airport, he was surprised to see that more than a dozen large transport planes were landing at the airport, and teams of well-equipped soldiers in snowy camouflage were marching out of the plane …
Chapter XII Westbound Trains
During this period, the signing problem has made people upset, and the writing speed is inevitably seriously affected. Let me say sorry first.
Trains and railways are speeding, and passengers are sleepy. There is no way to talk about this trip. The only thing that makes this trip a little bit interesting is that the first-class carriage is closed for no reason, and soldiers armed with submachine guns are not allowed to enter the door. So it is speculated that "what is the big man in those carriages" has become the topic of passengers’ passing away. Some people say it is the national leader, some say it is the military general, some say it is the foreign dignitaries, and if they know that it is dead, several lieutenant colonel don’t know if they will have an impulse.
The lieutenant colonel is, of course, Liu Weiping, Han Feng, Liu Zhe, Snow Leopard, reconnaissance brigade from jinan military area command, None of the field officers in the reconnaissance brigade of Lanzhou Military Region is a general. The oldest of these troops is only 27 years old, and the youngest is Liu Weiping. Of course, they are less than 20 years old. They are at the peak of a soldier’s life, both physically and psychologically. They have been trained hard for such a long time, and they are hard as steel. Everywhere they go, people around them will automatically and consciously stay away from them. Now these field officers and less than 300 soldiers are all. There are two cars that have closed their eyes. They have already arrived in Linzhi by plane and can’t make up so many transport planes. It’s not bad to take the train now. It’s not crowded at all. Unlike every car in Spring Festival travel rush after 30 years, you have to move your ass if you don’t fart. Otherwise, some people dare to take the train if they wear diapers, or they will lose their pants. The population is not too big these days. The Ministry of Railways can handle it.
Everyone closes their eyes. Liu Weiping, an energy madman, can’t be content to come. He sang again. This time it was a folk song. He didn’t like singing revolutionary songs very much.
Silver moonlight on your face
Your innocent face is like a child.
Ma Touqin melodious who sings?
Please don’t wake my beloved girl.
Kiss your cheek and kiss your long hair.
On my chest, no matter how long the night is
Kiss you kindly, kiss you strong.
Stay close to you and your heart will stop wandering.
God knows where he learned these songs. Folk songs are not like folk songs, red songs, red songs, and even more like the extra-large tweeter set up on the Golden Gate Island in Taiwan Province to play pop songs here in Xiamen. Anyway, it’s nothing like anything.
However, it’s still nice to hear Han Yajie sitting next to him. It seems that he is trying his best to find fault with him. Everyone seems to know that Han Yajie can cure this monkey. When allocating seats, he arranged them together without saying anything. Liu Weiping was really honest and didn’t complain about Han Yajie’s participation all the way. I don’t think women should be allowed to intervene in this kind of thing. However, Han Yajie is a military doctor and naturally has a lot of reasons to follow Chen Xi. Now she is chatting affectionately with a female reporter from National Defense Weekly, and she is as excited as running for the first time.
The female reporter is about twenty-four or five years old. She is very beautiful and good at talking. She generously admitted that she went to a border post to find her lover. The post Medog, a county town without roads, was isolated for a long time and was prone to autism. We all called this disease Medog syndrome and her lover stayed there for five years. "He was a second lieutenant and the highest commander of that post. We met in an interview when he was a monitor …" The female reporter happily told the story. I have a love story and showed photos to everyone. The young man is really energetic, but he is not a handsome guy. He is far from the film star of the world’s first power. Three years ago, this post captured an Indra agent, which caused quite a stir. The girl was ordered to interview and get to know this young man. After we exchanged contact information for three years, we haven’t seen each other again. "His writing style is very good. I will be in a good mood for several days after receiving a letter from him." The girl said, "But now that the snow has closed the mountain, I decided to go and see him in person if I want to
Chen Xi and Han Yajie were very surprised that the border conditions were too bitter. Many military wives were not allowed to go with the army, not because the policy did not allow it, but because life there really needed courage. Even if they went to the border with the army, most military wives could not live with their husbands. There were hundreds of kilometers apart. Some of them would be lucky. They were several kilometers apart, but they had to meet each other every few weeks-a mountain at the foot of a mountain separated by a few kilometers was a mountain peak. I remember that the newspaper published such a short story that a military wife saw a child and passed the exam. Thirty angrily scolded the child and immediately cried. It turned out that she was the first in her class. Many soldiers had lovers. At ordinary times, Hongyan exchanged letters and talked with each other. However, when the snow closed in winter, all communication departments were interrupted-letters from all over the country could not be sent to the mountains. The soldiers were afraid that this hard-won red line was broken, and they wrote a large stack of letters to the soldiers so that their comrades there could send them to their beloved girls according to the date. As a result, it is conceivable that the reply was always unreasonable. Which girl could stand it? winter
The red thread in my hand is so broken before the day passes. In winter, there are definitely not many girls who come to the border to meet their lovers. I’m afraid this is the first one.
"But even if you get to the border and the snow closes the mountain, you can’t get through!" Chen Xi is kind enough to wake up the girl.
The girl smiled and said, "Isn’t there a helicopter? Don’t I just go by helicopter? "
Chen Xi didn’t know what to say. She heard from a scout from the 52nd Brigade of the Frontier Defense that the weather on the border was unpredictable. Taking a helicopter was simply hard work. He tried to take it by helicopter. As a result, after flying hundreds of kilometers, the helicopter was abruptly stretched by turbulence and nearly a foot was scrapped. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, several generals were killed when they visited the front line by helicopter. It was not naive for the girl to want to take a helicopter to see her lover-or it was fatal.
The train roared and climbed the Tanggula Pass. As the altitude gradually increased, many soldiers from other military regions covered their heads. Their heads swelled and hurt. After another soldier, many people threw up their stomachs regardless of their faces. Even Chen Xi, the military medical officer, was no exception. The girl was still in high spirits. "Look at the Tibetan antelope!" It’s a heavenly road. It’s deserted. Except for this crude railway, you can’t find any industrial traces. It’s like a century! In this desolate and silent world, a group of Tibetan antelopes are running after a clouded leopard. It’s really a sweat for the Tibetan antelope. The girl cheered for the Tibetan antelope greatly, but Liu Weiping knew that one of them could not escape the clouded leopard’s pursuit of clouded leopard and snow leopard, but even the best hunter in the plateau dared not provoke them. Before the antelopes got enough encouragement from this beautiful girl, the train threw them to the back, and the girl couldn’t stand the oxygen. Han Feng now felt that her head was going to crack. There is no effect of oxygen inhalation, which makes him feel incredible. Liu Weiping is so young that he is still smirking and humming. He vomited and asked, "You … why are you all right? Oh! Oh! "
LiuWeiPing a face of smelly fart "who am I? I am your instructor! How can I get along without this? You just haven’t practiced much. You won’t be afraid of altitude sickness when you stay in the water for a few hundred meters for a few months! "
She blindsided "water hundreds of meters deep? Then a submarine can dive so deep. We are not navy. How can we get into a submarine? "
Liu Weiping said, "Why don’t I just stuff you in? To tell you the truth, I once learned that a submarine can dive three kilometers in one breath. Although I can’t fire torpedoes or make a series of standard tactical moves like the navy, I can still dive and float the submarine. I have the opportunity to take you to the bottom of the sea to play. Let’s have a real sea of people.
Two Wan Li! "
Han Feng felt a chill. My mother let this semi-tuned submarine take her to the bottom of the sea at a depth of 3 thousand meters. I don’t even know how she died!
Liu Zhe spat out sour water and struggled to ask, "My instructor, what else can you do except submarine?"
Liu Weiping swaggering "much! I can fly all boats with tanks and warships, and I can also fly fighter planes-my flying skills are as good as the military ace, so I have the opportunity to show you my hands! But before that, you have to go through four kinds of training, such as mountains, jungles, deserts and snowfields, until you can adapt to the terrain, and you have to learn amphibious warfare and become friends in the sea. You have all learned that you naturally have the opportunity to play fighters and submarines, but amphibious warfare training is not so good, especially flood prevention training. Hey hey, I can’t wait to see you fill the water like a toad and stop breathing! "
Everyone was horrified, and this pervert really regarded them as toys! Liu Zhe got up the courage to ask, "What is flood prevention training?"
Liu Wei is very happy. "Just tie your hands and feet and throw them into a deep pool until you can’t breathe, and then fish them up for rescue. You won’t be afraid of any waters again after practicing back and forth for ten times! Mom, I was most afraid of this when I was trained in the jungle special warfare brigade. My boss always let me drown for three or four minutes before I fished it out. When I saw that my breathing stopped, I stepped on my chest. Even after artificial respiration, I still peed my pants! Hey hey, you enjoy it slowly! "
Han Yajie secretly remembered the words "jungle special warfare brigade", which is also a breakthrough. The soldiers are pale one by one. It is estimated that some people are considering whether to quit the word. There is still no digital infantry brigade, so training and playing dead people will not pay for their lives!
Liu Weiping was spitting at the soldiers about his miserable humanitarian training program, which was broadcast by the conductor. "Dear passengers, we are now at an altitude of 3 kilometers. I believe you must have tasted the power of the plateau. Altitude sickness is caused by thin gas and other reasons, so please reduce your activities and take more oxygen. If you really can’t hold on, you can call our medical staff …"
Liu Weiping leaned his head against the seat with his hands and muttered, "There is no way to find a fairy. They will never stop until they spit out all the gastric juice!" Glancing at Han Yajie, I saw that she was pale and happy. "How do you need my help, Lieutenant?"
Han Yajie glared at him. "No!"
Liu Weiping seems to be kind enough to ask, "You’re not going to be nauseous, are you?"
Lieutenant Han’s throat twitched and he died. "You want to throw up!"
Liu Weiping said, "You are really strong, but you are far from Indra Asan. Those Asan even told me that they eat curry every day, and even puffer fish excrement is delicious!" Gee, my darling, do you know how they eat this delicious food? I tell you, they grabbed the puffer fish, cut the puffer fish belly with a knife, and pulled out the intestines-of course, they had to be careful not to break them-the two ends of the hindgut were tied with clear water and washed with blood, then they threw them into the pot and cooked them thoroughly, then they fished them up and took a bite to eat them-then a yellow, yellow, green and green puffer fish excrement would be sprayed out and sprayed on the opposite face … "
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
Endure it, endure it again. Han Yajie finally spat out in a very ladylike manner, and vomited in a very dark mess. Don’t blame them for even those scouts who have already adapted to the plateau climate. Anyone who listens to such disgusting things will vomit and watch Han Yajie vomit everything he ate. Liu Weiping laughed so hard that only he can listen to the clear voice and say, "It’s not too late for you to take revenge for ten years!"
He still remembers that Han Yajie forced his mother to take revenge when they first met.
The reporter beauty is very interested in this army, which is very different from the regular army in terms of military uniforms and weapons. It’s a pity that these soldiers are ungrateful and don’t want to be interviewed by her, so they gave up. But she was impressed by Liu Weiping’s trick, and she was determined to find a chance to dig out his secret. If Han Yajie knew her idea, she would definitely form an offensive and defensive alliance with her, and maybe she could become sisters.
Han Yajie finally stopped vomiting and took out a newspaper to read it. She successfully distracted herself. When she saw a news, she was so sad that she wanted to cry. "A new fighter plane crashed in our army and the pilot died. He was only 19 years old!"
Liu Weiping sighed, "Once the plane crashes, the pilot will inevitably die. No country is so sorry for your loss!"
"But …" The female reporter showed Liu Weiping several old newspapers. "Look at the successful skydiving of a MIG-19 pilot in Indra two months ago; A month ago, a MIG-21 pilot in Indra successfully parachuted with only minor injuries; Three weeks ago, two Su-17s collided in Indra and the pilots successfully parachuted ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
LiuWeiPing supercilious look "can we compare with Indra army? It took hundreds of planes to practice their stunts. Pilots can be paratroopers. Who dares to compete with them? "
"The pilot is a paratrooper!" The female reporter almost sprayed it. I haven’t seen it so badly in all these years! She had a hunch that anyone who provoked the middle school tinker would be miserable, either angry or laughing to death, anyway, it was all a death!