However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate these experienced combat troops. They don’t have many elite weapons in their hands, not because these troops are not elite, but because the German industrial production capacity law makes every German army equipped with enough tanks and armored vehicles
"Machine guns cover the left wing! Sniper, pay attention to the right-wing commanding heights! After bypassing the wall and adjusting the angle, it immediately caught fire … Is it white? " The officer in charge of commanding this 7-tube infantry light towed rocket launcher ordered his rival soldier.
And those soldiers are prying into the back of the roadside carriage, loading ammunition boxes, screwing one rocket into the rocket launcher tube, which is simple in structure and powerful. German infantry always like it to fight the situation when the city is in a tough battle
After the loading, this group of engineers with rifles nodded to indicate that they were ready, and then these infantry lifted the rockets, which had been fixed behind them, and pushed the two wheels forward quickly with recoil support. "One, two! Hey! One, two Hey! "
As the door was shouted, the multi-barrel rocket launcher was quickly pushed to the designated position, and German machine guns kept shooting at the side. After a pause for a few seconds, the group of engineers pushed this terrible weapon to the launching position under the bullets.
"launch!" Hands were blocked near two ears, and the soldiers avoided the range of the rocket launcher’s jet tail flame. Many people even lay down for fear that the aftermath of this weapon would reach the fire. The soldier in charge of the fire pressed the launching detonator, so one rocket after another spewed huge white smoke and rushed to the wreckage of the high-rise building suspected of having Soviet snipers.
"The head of state! Forward! " Seeing the huge smoke rising from the explosion, I heard the Soviet Union’s counterattack gun stop. I don’t know where a German commander reached the attack order and hid in the ruins. German soldiers climbed up with their weapons and bowed down to launch a new round of charge in the direction of occupation.
"Head of state arcado? Long live Rudolf! " A German flag fluttered in the crowd, and hundreds of German soldiers shouted slogans and rushed across the street, climbed the ruins, and madly attacked the Soviet Union further away. They were suppressed by machine guns, but the sniper bullets passed through the German soldiers’ chests and hit the roadside steps, leaving an inconspicuous mark. In a short time, his Soviet weapons also sounded scattered, but they took away one fresh life after another
However, all this prevented the Germans from continuing to attack. They captured one building after another, grenades and flamethrowers, even submachine guns, and drove the Soviet defenders out of various shapes of houses. Guns and attack orders shouted everywhere.
"We met a very strong building in front, which was not destroyed by shelling. Most of the buildings were still intact … We tried to fire two shots at the building, but the 75 mm tank gun didn’t destroy the supporting structure of the building. It collapsed some external walls, and we could see that the walls were really thick …" An armored soldier handed the map in his hand to his company and pointed to the position where he was in trouble and said.
He pointed to the other side of the street and then continued, "There may be an anti-tank gun here, which should be 76 mm caliber, which is not a huge threat, but I am worried that there are other heavy weapons because that building seems to be a core position of Soviet defense."
Comparing the map in hand, the commander of the tank company and his deputy discussed it for two seconds and then said, "From the map analysis, this may be the Soviet Foreign Ministry building … The location is very consistent, but you know that the accuracy of the map in our hand is really a headache."
"How valuable can the spy department draw a map with reference to the travel guide?" The captain of the tank who had just returned from the front laughed at himself, and then pointed to the infantry who were ready for battle on both sides of the road in the distance and said, "It seems that they have to go and see what place it is."
Machine guns soon became dense. When the German infantry tried to get close to this wall as thick as a bunker building, they met with stubborn resistance from the Soviet Red Army. It is likely that an infantry headquarters is responsible for defending here. The Soviets have relatively sufficient ammunition and high morale. Obviously, they have no intention of handing it over. Almost every window has soldiers shooting out.
Armored soldiers here also discuss that if they bypass this building and continue to attack along the street, they will hear the infantry commander shout out the fire command, and then the rocket will explode and everyone’s ears will vibrate, even if they are separated from a building.
"Damn it! What did they do when they built a bunker in the center of the city? " Soon, a battalion commander, the highest commander of infantry here, took his officers to the temporary headquarters of armored forces. After greeting, several people complained about the wall that made people feel a little desperate.
"A rocket can blow a hole when it hits the face. If the artillery supports it, I think it can be stormed by infantry …" A company commander obviously has a lingering fear of that building. After all, it is so strong that it can only be occupied by soldiers’ lives.
"Confirmed? If we can confirm this landmark building, I think we can correct the specific location of our Moscow city again, "asked the company commander of the tank force, looking at his colleagues in the dusty infantry."
The battalion commander nodded, pointed to the blocked building with a corner left, and said to the friendly armored forces around him, "It is confirmed that this place is so strong built by the Soviet Foreign Ministry Building."
Fork up a cut apple, put the smooth and juicy pulp into his mouth, chew it for two times, take out his napkin on his chest, wipe the corners of his mouth, and then casually throw it away. rundstedt, commander of the A regiment, turned his head and looked at the officers who entered his headquarters, waiting for the other party to report that the German army had won the battle.
After all, he is a real marshal in the German defense forces, and the gold content is second only to Brauchich’s. If you can’t eat fresh fruit, it is really a failure of the German logistics department. Marshal lunch is specially arranged by special personnel, and sometimes the Fuhrer will personally ask questions to show his love for a marshal.
"Marshal! The front-line troops just came to the news that they have arrived at the Soviet Foreign Ministry building and are attacking there … If we simply calculate the straight line distance, our front-line troops are less than 25 kilometers away from the Kremlin, and General kruse will ask if you want to launch a storm to seize the Foreign Ministry building before dinner. "
Rundstedt didn’t answer immediately. The apple in his mouth was quiet and the office was bright and spacious. The portrait of arcado had been hung and there was a huge flag of the Third Reich. After all, it was about 5 kilometers away from the real front, so his troops were closer to Stalin than to him.
Chapter 1195 1196 advised into the newspaper
After swallowing food and thinking for a while, the imperial marshal finally said slowly, "Don’t rush to attack. We are the closest army to Red Square. Let the frontline soldiers have a rest. From the current situation, the Soviet combat effectiveness stationed near the Ascension Cathedral is the strongest. zhukov should be in that direction."
He smiled and said to his own officer, "Marshal Kruger is really unlucky. His attack direction is just in the direction where zhukov is stationed. He broke into the city earlier than us, but it has become the slowest direction for all lines."
It came early today that guderian’s armored forces lived up to expectations. The battle for Kuzky Manor was dominated by a superior tank force. The third armored army commanded by Aleksandr Vasilevsky wiped out the last Soviet armored force in Moscow. Now the southeast of Moscow has been controlled by guderian armored grenadiers. They have advanced to the Moscow People’s Stadium and deployed their forward positions along Stalingrad Street.
Just north of Moscow, the Finnish regiment has occupied the Liszt E regiment in Bibilevo and controlled a part of Otla Denoyer, and the Liszt E regiment has also crossed the wetland area in the northeast of Moscow and reached the Xiaoerkovo highway along the Yauza River.
Rundstedt got up from his table and walked to the front of the map with his hands behind his back. The high command reached the order to abolish the size of the front-line troops. The main force was not the German army. One part was the Finnish regiment and the other part was the southern Italian regiment.
The first batch of troops to be transferred includes 15 soldiers from an infantry division in the Italian army. These soldiers will be ordered to return directly to the national reserve and be demobilized to their hometown. There are not so many demobilized troops in the northern Finnish regiment, and about 30 thousand to 40 thousand people will leave the front line and return to their hometown
However, on the other front, the Germans are not so lucky. kuechler commanded the N regiment and the P regiment, which are being formed. The Reichenau regiment will retain half of its original troops and draw out a full 450,000 soldiers, who will return to their hometown and be resettled by government departments.
After all, although the federal border of Siberia, the servant country, stretches for thousands of kilometers along the border of 5 degrees east longitude, the Germans really don’t keep too many defense forces on this line-this is a wave.
According to the final agreement between Germany and the Siberian Federation, the German army will keep about 60,000 troops here, while the border of the Siberian Federation can deploy 20,000 regular troops. However, there is still a long way to go before this ideal. The German army has deployed four regiments with more than 20,000 troops on this line, and the Siberian Federation has also retained 750,000 troops. The treaty stipulates that the two sides will adjust the border troops to the specified number in two years. Of course, this is another story.
In fact, Germany doesn’t have much so-called powerful country background, population and territorial scope. It has no ability to compete with a real big country, and it can win one opponent after another. It only needs more unified, faster and more comprehensive war mobilization by virtue of more advanced tactical concepts.
Arcado instructed every institution in the United Republic of China to work hard. In just one year, Germany completed its own manual workers’ factory, which was bound by the wartime bill to work overtime to produce weapons and equipment, and several young people were immediately armed and trained into elite soldiers.
However, the rapid mobilization and mobilization do not necessarily mean that the war potential is huge. On the contrary, the German army has expanded a large-scale army in the past three months, which fully shows that the German war potential, especially the human resources potential, has been completely tapped to the limit.
Germany has a population of about 100 million, which is still the number of German-born areas such as Austria. It relies on the population of about 100 million to support 750 thousand regular troops, which is a heavy burden to the national economy and social development. Under normal circumstances, Germany can guarantee the size of 20 thousand regular troops, which is already a large number of troops.
More than 40,000 regular troops are definitely armed for a Germany that has just experienced defeat. What’s more, Germany has almost doubled this size in just two years, and it is an amazing miracle to feed 750,000 troops with 100 million people.
Of course, strictly speaking, to support these 750,000 troops, there are also several workers and peasants in the occupied areas, as well as millions of companies in the middle camp. All these people can maintain prisoners of war and victims of other nationalities. These people almost support the huge German army with their own blood, which is one of the main reasons why later scholars criticize the development of the Third Reich.
It is absolutely good news for ordinary Germans that the frontline troops can be disbanded and go home. Although many years of veterans’ limited demobilization in Germany have affected some of their combat effectiveness, the return of these personnel to their hometown has really promoted Akkadoord’s frontier outlook again.
Several retired soldiers and their families took to the streets to support arcado to become the third Reich, and the emperor became louder and louder. In some areas, demonstrations broke out to protest against government officials’ efforts to restrict the emperor from giving the German people hope to ascend to the throne of Emperor Wei.
As the scale of the ground war on the front line is gradually shrinking, the signs of ending the war in Germany are becoming more and more obvious, and more and more troops from the front line are supporting arcado to become the first "Great European Emperor" in history. These calls also show traces. These calls all support arcado, the nominal ruler of Europe, to ascend to the throne as emperor, but behind these sounds, they all agree that all countries should maintain a high degree of autonomy.
These countries hold arcado to an unprecedented height with the attitude of fighting and killing, buckle a European emperor’s top hat to arcado, and then flatter and set their own bottom line and attitude. When you become emperor, we will give you a better title, but don’t tell you what to do, and we will give you three sides-a happy ending, right?
Different from the past, this time, the Rudolph family, the most prominent family in Germany, lived in the Berlin Fuehrer’s residence, and did not remain silent. Mercedes, the first lady of the empire? Rudolph took Caesar? Rudolph’s high-profile trip to the Vatican to receive the blessing of the Pope’s Hall, the mass, is a fulfillment of the "Emperor sent family", which has been declared by the Pope’s Hall.
"Marshal …" Didn’t quit the headquarters. The marshal, a confidant officer in rundstedt, woke up gently. "There’s news from the General Staff. Marshal Liszt and Marshal Mo Deer of keitel have all submitted letters to persuade the Fuehrer to proclaim himself emperor. Should you also prepare one?"
In this situation, everyone knows that the "chosen family" seems to be as powerful as the chosen country, and it seems that it really intends to give itself a yellow robe, so everyone has put on a reserved attitude and quickly made a final statement. After all, arcado? Rudolph, the name of the National Defence Force, has long been more influential than the emperor.
The conservative representative Brauch naturally hasn’t confirmed his attitude, but before the Fuehrer sent a few marshals to speak, the centrists have already arrived at the Fuehrer’s side … I think the attitude of the whole General Staff should be the same as that of arcado’s high command after all.
Rundstedt was silent. He was really worried that if he didn’t express his position before the Fuehrer sent a speech, he would really be transferred back to the rear to support his life. He didn’t worry much about his safety. After all, he had made great achievements in arcado, but he was worried that his military career would definitely make him feel worse than killing him.
"Help me prepare an admonition for the Fuhrer to become emperor … and prepare another newspaper. Since we are late, we will do better than others …" rundstedt thought for a moment and then said to his confidant.
The commander of the A regiment enlisted the German Marshal in London, but his mind was crystal clear. Since he was afraid of being blamed by Brauchy and conservative generals earlier, he had already thought of a way to deal with it. "Send a newspaper to Marshal Brauchy to persuade him to support the Fuehrer as the emperor!"