Who’s trying to kill him?
Isn’t that a little bold?
Do you still care about him as an emperor?
"Do you want to do a good job in Han reborn? I won’t give you this chance to tell me what you mean? " Chi Xuan pressed him
Smell speech longed for even immediately raise the corners of the mouth ChiXuan when now!
Good. If we follow his fantasy, everything will be without wave strength, and he will not die in vain.
"Either organization requirements hum you this emperor is going to do long ask so many why? Now if I fail, kill me. "
Mu Lian was not afraid of death, but fell into Chixuan’s eyes and couldn’t help but feel the fire in his heart.
But he didn’t want to be longed for and then ChiXuan immediately sneered, "I don’t have a way to make you talk."
Then he looked at the guards around him and said, "I can’t take him to the punishments for interrogation overnight. There is no clue."
Smell speech, those guards will listen to Mulian immediately and take it away, but suddenly it sounds quite abrupt in this environment.
They immediately looked at the source and found that there was a waist tag lying on the ground, and a bodyguard immediately understood the expression of eyes, picked it up and handed it over to Chixuan with both hands.
Chi Xuan studied the waist card and wrote a big word "You".
I can’t help frowning when I see this word Chi Xuan. What gang can this thing be?
What gang has the word secluded again?
After falling silent, Chi Xuan immediately stared at Mu Lian.
Then I was furious and took a shot to the side.
Yes, yes!
"You actually joined Lingyou Hall!" Chixuan wrath, pointing to longed for even a great anger.
I heard the words "You Tang" in Chixuan’s mouth, and longed for the corners of my mouth to cock immediately.
Very good. Chi Xuan has come to his plan.
Then the connection is to make Chixuan feel that you are even more unforgivable.
"Make you hall yes! What, are you scared? Lingyou Hall is the biggest killer organization in the world. Your majesty is in the ruling and opposition, but he is the master of the hall in Jianghu. Do you know that I am a member of Lingyou Hall today? How dare you attack Lingyou Hall? Hum, if you kill me, you are still worried about what kind of person you will be assassinated in the future! "
Chapter 966 Eradicate your hall
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Mu Lian’s words are more arrogant than Chi Xuan’s. It’s strange that an emperor is not angry when he hears such words!
Seeing Chi Xuan’s face faint with anger, Mu Lian doesn’t forget that he wants to achieve his goal. He needs to let Chi Xuan know that he has taken refuge in your hall, so that you can make the kite dare to harbor criminals and regard the royal prestige.
In addition, I have to tell you what Wu Xiangxiang is doing in Lingyou Hall.
Wu Xiangxiang is a Chinese, and he is not in the same level.
If you say that you harbor Wu Xiangxiang, you will be even more guilty.
Mu Lian thought of here and saw Chi Xuan, and his anger was hard to disappear. He was just about to say what he wanted to say, but Chi Xuan said, "If you take refuge in your secluded hall, then you will make it a part of your secluded hall. Of course, I will never spare you. If I put you to death in the year, I will spare you."
Chi Xuan’s resentful speech made Mu Lian frown, and then his eyes turned to light. He sneered, "If I die with fear, it’s all because you worked hard before that I won’t tell you. Now, Wuxiang Niang is in Lingyoutang to see when you dare to send troops to attack Lingyoutang."
Mu Lian will finish these words, so he is not afraid of Chi Xuan’s anger, and he is not afraid of Chi Xuan’s anger, so he went to attack your hall, but he knew that Chi Xuan did not dare to attack your hall.
Mu Lian’s arrogance is still unabated, and Chi Xuan’s face is very gloomy. Then he said to the guards next to him, "Put him in prison, but you must leave him a breath. I will let him look at me with a breath as if he were attacking your hall!"
Wu Xiang Niang dares to take in. Isn’t that collusion with the enemy?
That makes you really guilty.
Chi Xuan said angrily that the guards would pull Mu Lian to Mu Lian and never thought it was so easy.
And you can keep one life alive?
Mu Lian was taken to Chixuan, and his anger did not disappear.
When all the departments were removed from Chi Xuan, I remembered that Hui Fei had been knocked out, so I immediately asked, "Is Hui Fei as good as you are?"
Hearing this, the eunuch immediately replied, "Did the Emperor get knocked out? What’s the big problem? Where is the Emperor going to stay today?"
After what happened just now, he didn’t believe that Chi Xuan was still in the mood to favor which princess?
It’s good to know that Chixuan is a little relieved that Huifei is okay.
If you want to talk, you really believe it.
Then he set his eyes on the waist tag of your hall just now. Maybe he can find a reliable person to sneak into your hall with this waist tag and find out if there is a Wuxiang Niang.
If you really have Wu Xiang Niang, you should say that you are colluding with Hai Guo.
Then you must fight with him.
Isn’t it rebellion to take in Chinese people?