The scientist who first came up with the theory of human immortality has been forgotten by this history. The feasible way is to separate human thinking from the body of cell metabolism, and the digital form will remain in a unified state forever.
However, human relations scholars have always been firmly opposed to denying this state of mind or human beings, just like denying cloning life or human beings.
All human ruling classes are strongly opposed to genetic engineering of human position, which is also the reason why Mark is so difficult. Barton’s complete digital self will be wiped out first.
Barton is betting that he can smoothly integrate with the Eye of the Sky host, so as to control the minds of all senior officials and accept the fact that Barton may rule forever.
At present, the chip management center is still incomplete, and the management limit of gold card is very limited. Greed? Ugly things will not be recorded.
Their positioning is also prohibited from tracking and recording, so that you can enjoy the luxury life without being bound by the rules
"I hate this country, hate this system, hate everything in the empire, hate the injustice of heaven and earth, and what foreign fair law is realized? What has given me the same gold card, but it’s still not as expensive as a pig or a dog? All contradictions stem from the fact that the rules have been formulated but not completely implemented according to the written procedures, leaving a back door for you. What I need to do is to plug all loopholes with justice so that the imperial regiment can truly live in the future and human beings should have a life. "
Barton is impassioned and stands tall in the data world, just like a god with a pale white brilliance.
"No, you are mentally distorted and perverted because you experienced abuse as a child. People like you can’t lead mankind to the future, and the future of mankind should not be enslaved by you. That would be too bad for him."
Zhang Lan supported his knees with one hand and gasped for high fever, which made him feel that his body was on fire. Generally, even the nucleolus suffered from tearing pain in his head.
It’s been 24 hours since Zhang Lan automatically remembered, but her body seems to have been fighting for a month and it’s still hard.
In addition to the body, the co-radiator is the hand-held condensate system, which has been mixed with blood and flowed all over Zhang Lan’s body. This cooling system can turn hot fireballs into ice, but Zhang Lan’s performance is that he is emitting rolling steam.
Alice and You Na got ice cubes to erect around Zhang Lan to reduce the temperature, and the ice cubes went fast just like putting them by the fire.
You Na took the cold water and poured it on Zhang Lan’s body, listening to the bursts of rolling eyes.
"The temperature has reached 6 degrees, and this cerebellum is estimated to be burnt out. It won’t come out as a vegetable, will it?" You Na is ashamed and brainless. Zhang Lan is more painful than killing him.
"It should be okay to keep the brain cool and straight. I’m worried that it’s his dirty function. His heartbeat has exceeded 24 and has been maintained for one day. Ordinary people’s hearts have already burst." Alice read Zhang Lan’s physical data like a doctor
Zhang Lan, the care of these two women didn’t burn, but it also looked extremely dangerous.
"I don’t think he’s worried about becoming Barton. It won’t be long before he burns himself to death." Lan Ling can’t even melt ice on his shoulder now.
"Fortunately, the progress bar has finally passed 2%." You Na looked at the control panel and breathed a sigh of relief.
"I don’t know what is going on in Zhang Lan?" Alice is still nervous.
On this side, in the data world, Zhang Lan resumed his blood and walked towards Barton.
"If you are not so hard, I don’t want to kill you, but I want you to be an alternative control program for the Eye of the Sky host. You can live in another form by integrating with my program," Barton advised.
"I’m sorry I’m not interested in becoming a ghost like you. You’d better go to hell!" Zhang Lan rushed with a long knife.
"It seems that you are still not white." Barton regrets and sighs that Zhang Lan is moving at a fast pace, but the distance in front of him is only 1 meter away. Barton has never felt closer there.
Zhang Lan looked down at the ground, and the sea of data kept fluctuating and rolling backwards with his own rhythm. Zhang Lan felt like a log, and he still stayed where he was no matter how he ran.
"There is no choice for you here. I decide that things are bound to happen. When I can control them, I can present every kind of power you have seen in data form. The only reason you are still alive is that I won’t let you die."
When Barton spoke, Zhang Lan couldn’t run any longer. From the data floor, a rope of numbers and ones was formed to bind Zhang Lan’s hands and feet.
"Let me go!" Zhang Lan tried his best to struggle, but the data chain grew more and more, giving him all in the package.
"If you don’t resist me, I will analyze your coded data. You are just a string of codes. Find the key, delete the memory code or arrange it into the information that you are my slave. You are all mine." Barton smiled and watched the data gradually soak into Zhang Lan’s skin like a virus and assimilate.
It’s like a hacker attacking a firewall. The process is data data confrontation.
Zhang Lan tried her best to prevent data infiltration, and her willpower resisted Barton’s data invasion, but it had little effect.
"Barton, you are crazy. I won’t be your slave. If you kill me now, maybe you can be saved." Zhang Lan gnashed her teeth.
"So want to be formatted? No, no, no, you’re the most interesting thing I’ve ever met. I won’t let you die like this. You can make up for my alternative maintenance plan. After all, I already know how it will conflict with my empire to recapture the ancient power of Taiyou Core and Dance Snow. At present, the host computer of Eye of Heaven is calculated by law. I need a more complete plan to face possible changes. "Barton’s layout is not lost to Zhang Lan.
"I don’t like betting because the results are all calculated, but this time I want to bet with you that I will kill you before you finish devouring me." Zhang Lan looked at Barton calmly.
"False tension leads me to make mistakes or deliberately disturbs the opponent’s layout? Zhang Lan, we are all clever people, and the game is always a hand. Your cards have been played, and it is for us. I have seen your life, and you know what you can and can’t do. You are finished. "Barton didn’t care.
"The words have been said. Now let me go and destroy yourself. You have another way to live. You may continue to die," Zhang Lan declared.
"Then we’ll see." Barton wiped his eyes.
Chapter three hundred and seventeen Dreamland
"Zhang Lan! Still sleeping! "
Bang! Zhang Lan suddenly woke up with a heavy blow to the desktop, but in the 2-square-meter cubicle, there was a picture that he had not finished planning the case, and the bald supervisor’s old face wrinkled like a wipe.
"Sorry, the supervisor worked overtime too late yesterday, and the planning case was almost finished." Zhang Lan hurriedly apologized.
"Don’t look for reasons to find more ways to know what I can sit in the top five companies at the age of 35? Just because I’ve been looking for ways to give me something tonight! " The bald supervisor said savagely, walking behind your back.
"That’s why he didn’t have a few hairs on his head at the age of 35. Don’t learn."
You Na, at the station next door, smiled and greeted him with a sweet smile like an angel. "Hey, I have two tickets for tonight’s concert. Let’s go together!"
"Sorry, You Na’s planning case must be finished today and I’m wearing a ring!" Zhang Lannai wry smile shows the right hand refers to the platinum ring.
"Don’t cut is engaged? Didn’t get a license again? Besides, even if I get married, I can develop my lover. Anyway, I’m not going to get married to see you cute, so I just want to see you. "Unaman said with a charming smile.
"Thanks, I’m not that bad." Zhang Lan smiled wryly and started planning again.
After a one-minute nap at 1: 00 p.m., it feels like a lifetime.
He had a terrible nightmare, dreaming of giving birth to a black cloud to cover everything in the future world, where human life is the most worthless thing and he is a hard worker. It is really a nightmare.
Shake your head and forget the nightmare. Zhang Lan is absorbed in planning a case in which a 24-year-old class hangs out on the beach. If you want to stabilize your feet, you must work hard and be smart enough.