The mirror reflects the manor not far behind Zhuang. The whole manor is twisted and rotated like a vortex, and sometimes there is light flashing.
At that moment, not far from Zhuang, I played the game myself. The "Dark Gate" in the game is just a mini.
What will be behind the door?
Not far from Zhuang, I carefully explored something and easily got into it. It seems that nothing happened. Not far from Zhuang, I took a deep breath and then closed my eyes and went in.
It was like walking through a thin layer of water mist, and he felt that the temperature around him had dropped a little. He opened his eyes and then he couldn’t speak for a long time.
Manor owners call themselves "tamed time" and call something unknown "time blood"
Zhuang was not far away. At that time, I laughed at the manor owners. When they were uneducated, this thing was not a beast. How could it be tamed and there was blood?
But at this moment, he was completely shocked by everything in front of him.
This is a vast sight, one side is full of stars, and the Milky Way has a long view in the far distance, but the other side is dark
It seems that this is the end of the universe, is it the other side, or is someone splitting the universe in half with a knife?
There is a scar across the world from the existence to the gap. The scar presents a spindle shape and slightly bulges. The silver light flows and occasionally twitches and struggles. It looks like a muscle of some creature, such as biceps brachii.
It was stripped off and the skin was bloody and naked.
It seems that the whole universe is a layer of skin, and time is flesh and blood after skin peeling.
Is time really a beast or does the world really have a god in charge?
This is not scientific!
Zhuang finally felt the defeat of others’ world outlook not far away.
Several chains are connected from all sides to the huge muscle, which tightly pulls it and makes it struggle in vain.
At the end of each chain is a stone gate. These stone gates are as tall as the palace gate, as lofty as Mount Tai, but there is still no end in sight. It seems as huge as this!
Shimen is carved with all kinds of totem reliefs, which are extremely gorgeous. It seems that every owner of Shimen tries his best to show his facade.
Not far from Zhuang, I looked back at my eyes behind me. It was also a stone gate and a back door, which were almost one meter in size, more than two meters in width and more than two meters in height. They were made of rectangular stone bars, which were super humble.
Not far from Zhuang, it is clear that behind every stone gate is a once glorious manor.
But all the stone gates have faded away, and there is no silver brilliance to flow. Some stone gates have even decayed and collapsed. How have the years passed?
Not far from Zhuang, I can imagine what a grand occasion it will be when thousands of stone gates are lit up here.
The wind and rain always blow away the romance of dancing pavilions and singing platforms.
Once a brilliant manor owner stayed in the village not far away, this small urban youth silently paid tribute.
Zhuang soon calmed down his emotions, and then remembered that he had come to take blood.
How to get the blood?
Zhuang’s eyes scanned a circle and saw the nearest stone gate.
The Shimen is not far from Zhuang, but about two or three meters away. There is a dead bone in front of the Shimen.
Six legs and four heads seem to have scales and a layer of something similar to "rattan armor", which reads "blood servant"
But at this time, its body has been broken in half.
There was a pile of crushed vials around him, big as perfume bottles and as big as thermometers. The liquid in them had long since disappeared, but not far from Zhuang, he saw the characters "one" and "pick up" written on his face.
"Damn it, I can’t reach it …" Not far from Zhuang, I want to try if I can get into a small bottle. Maybe it’s intact and not broken, but it’s too far away from Zhuang and I dare not jump over it.
Do you want to go back and get some tools to build a ladder?
Not far from Zhuang, I just wanted to go when I heard a sigh.
"Alas …" The sound is old and deep, just like whispering before dying.
"who?" Zhuang got a fright not far away.
"Latecomers ….." The voice is distant and wandering. "I am the leader, Bo Xu, and I left this last word. You don’t know that it is the year when the industrial party is raging fiercely. I will close the Shimen and fight to the death. Muscle is the foundation of my manor. The eternal glory of the manor will come again!"
What a ghost! This place has been deserted for so many years, and no one comes again.
Someone shouldn’t have been here, or who hacked the blood servant to death?
But after all, I stayed here.
What’s wrong with your old man making so many impassioned speeches? I want to know how to get blood!
As if he knew what he was thinking, Berberi continued, "The time muscle is already in your bag, and the owner of the manor can take it for himself."
Get it yourself? Zhuang looked up not far away.
There is also a chain in front of his Shimen that goes straight to the distance. When the muscle chain is wide, two cars can parallel, but at first glance, I don’t know how long the chain will take to get there!
Not far from Zhuang, he took a track and took two steps, and suddenly a piece of silver light flashed in front of him.
Looking back not far from Zhuang, the chain is long, and when it comes, Shimen has already disappeared.
And when the chain is tightly wound, the muscle is not connected with his chain.
Not far from Zhuang, he held out his hand to carefully touch the "muscle" in front of him.
Millimeter temperature is extremely elastic to the touch, a bit like the outer skin of a tomato.
It’s really true!
Not far from Zhuang, he found a utility knife from a small trailer and patted it gently. He muttered in his mouth, "If it doesn’t hurt, don’t cry!"
Then he reached out and poked it gently, but it didn’t pierce.
Not far from Zhuang, a cruel and hard poke
"Poof" a silver liquid sprayed out and sprayed a face not far from Zhuang.
"Ah, my handsome face!" Not far from Zhuang, cover your face and scream.