"Last night, her house was robbed, and the man named Xiaohu was hit in the head by a heavy object. Three people were rescued in the city hospital, but the horse could not work." Cousin said urgently, "Xu Wei was also tied up. The superintendent of Yuanqu came to the casino early in the morning to ask questions … Many people said that you sent Xu Wei home every night!"
Wu Tianyin heard this head felt a.
Cousin looked puzzled at Wu Tianyin and asked urgently, "You close the stall very late every day, but I didn’t see you at the door just after ten o’clock yesterday. What did you do?"
Wu Tianyin slightly leng after a answered, "I went home! My mother asked me to fill out the poverty-stricken population form, and I just closed the stall early. "
Cousin was delighted when he heard this. "Did you live at home last night?"
"Then I received Xu Wei’s words when I went home, and then I went to her," Wu Tianyin truthfully responded.
Cousin heard silence for a few seconds and his expression was both worried and anxiously asked, "Xiao Yin, you fucking tell me the truth. Did you do it?"? !”
"Brother, I swear that this has nothing to do with me!" Wu Tianyin couldn’t completely believe that he was also panicked when he saw his cousin.
Superintendent Black Street
Qin Yu called the old cat and asked in a low voice, "Are people dead?"
"Not yet, but it’s terrible," whispered the old cat. "I heard that my head was smashed and my three skulls were cracked."
"… this his mama is the angel?" Qin Yu asked in dismay.
"It seems that I heard that a driver who pulled his feet was robbed at home." The old cat replied briefly, "It was an accident."
Chapter 473 I believe that the superintendent
Dormitory dormitory
The superintendent of Yuanqu pointed to Wu Tianyin’s bed and asked, "Is this his bed?"
"Yes," the boss nodded and replied, "This is his sleep."
"How long has he lived here?" The police officer asked again
"I can’t remember the details clearly. It will take about ten days." The boss thought about it and answered.
"How did he pay your rent?"
"The foundation is handed in one day or two or three days," the boss said truthfully. "Anyway, there is no one to give more."
After wearing gloves, the police officer bent down to check a bed of Wu Tianyin, turned to look at the roommate next to him and asked, "What time did Wu Tianyin come back last night?"
"It’s late. It seems to be after two o’clock."
"When you think about it accurately," the policeman asked with a tiger face.
"About 2: 30."
"Well," the policeman nodded and turned to the boss and said, "Clear this room for a while, and don’t let anyone in."
"Good" boss nai nodded.
Wu Tianyin turned pale and looked at his cousin and asked, "Tell me how you know this?"
"Didn’t I tell you that the superintendent went to the store? Someone knew about you and me, so he called me." Cousin frowned and responded, "Because you closed the stall last night and someone in the store told the police that you sent Xu Weisuo almost every night. They now suspect you."
Wu Tianyin leng in situ head buzzing straight ring.
"Xiao Yin said that you didn’t do it, so let’s go to the superintendent and say the situation." Cousin even dragged Wu Tianyin’s arm and said, "I’ll go with you."
Wu Tianyin immediately pulled out his arm and shook his head and said, "I can’t go."
"What are you afraid to go if you don’t do it?"
"Brother, I can’t tell," Wu Tianyin replied in a trembling voice. "There was no monitoring at Xu Wei’s house. Last night, I took a shortcut … No one can prove when I went and when I left. Did you leave?"
"What are you afraid of? You can wait for them to investigate! " Cousin roared and argued
"I’m a special population with a bad record and no money, and I’m at the bottom of the society, which fully meets the characteristics of robbery and murder." Wu Tianyin spread his hand and said, "And this is a bureau elder brother Xu Wei screwing me. I now look like a murderer than anyone else. Are you white?"
"Xu Wei make you? !”
"She called me, but when I got to her house, she couldn’t contact me. There was another man at the scene. Who would it be if she didn’t fuck me?" Wu Tianyin has been in prison for 12 years, so he is very quick to respond to this kind of criminal case. "I’m sure I can’t explain it clearly when I go to the superintendent now."
"Then what will you do?" Cousin asked
"Let me think."
Wu Tianyin looked flustered and walked around the hutong before suddenly taking out the words, "I want to call home at home."
"What can the family do to help?" Cousin puzzled asked.
"Can you help"
Wu Tianyin took out a cellular phone and immediately dialed the stepfather’s number.
After a long time, the words were connected, but it was the mother’s voice "Hello Xiaoyin"
"Mom, listen to me. I was framed and involved in a lawsuit." Wu Tianyin went straight to the point and said quickly, "You have to help me. You have to help me!"
"… you … what’s this kid done?" Mother immediately panicked and asked in a trembling voice.
"Mom, believe me, I really didn’t make trouble. Someone deliberately messed me up." Wu Tianyin tried to explain the sentence before he spoke. "Remember that if a police officer goes home for questioning, you must say that I didn’t leave until 1: 30 last night."
"What’s the matter?" Mother completely lost her roots and didn’t understand Wu Tianyin’s meaning.
"Don’t worry about what’s going on, and don’t pay attention to the police talking to you. Just insist that I ate dinner at home last night and filled out a special population form to chat with you until one o’clock." Wu Tianyin said gravely, "You said I was in a hurry to go to the stock house early, or I would live at home."
"What to lie? Are you lying to me …? "
"Mom, can you believe me once? Just once! " Wu Tianyin’s voice trembled and answered, "If you don’t help me, I won’t live the rest of my life. Please beg them to let them say the same."
"I … I’ll tell your dad." Mother can respond in a panic.
"I’ll go home first, and you wait for me."
Voice fell two people ended the call.
"What do you mean by this whole thing?" Cousin came over and asked
Wu Tianyin looked at him and replied, "I won’t admit that I went to Xu Wei last night, so I said I stayed at home until 1: 30."
"What should I do if I am caught?"
"No one in Xu Wei’s neighborhood saw me last night." Wu Tianyin shook his head. "She didn’t monitor me there and asked my mother to bite me to death. I stayed at home until a little later and I had no evidence."
"I don’t know why you don’t explain to the superintendent that you didn’t do it."