This is the deepest part of Beiyuezhou base, which is several kilometers deeper than the location of Beiyuezhou command center.
The open cave is illuminated by lights as if it were day. Looking up at the high dome steel frame, there are several huge metal spheres fixed. Each metal sphere is filled with heavy water, and at least there are more than 1,000 tons of metal spheres. The surface is filled with dense photomultipliers, which looks particularly sci-fi.
There are many measurement and control equipment in the corner of the cave, where Qian Hao and his companions work.
Everyone went to their respective positions and handed over one by one.
At this time, the indicator light of the console suddenly lit up. From the moment when people were stuck at the same time, they would never care about the succession again. Everyone rushed to the console and a large amount of data slid across the screen like water. Everyone’s eyes were on the data in the screen.
"calculate the angle!"
"Calculate the intensity!"
"Calculate bearing …"
In a few minutes, North Moon Island Command Center
The war staff suddenly jumped up and landed in front of Wu Han. "The chief micro-detection center reported that unknown micro-sources have been detected. It has been determined that these micro-sources come from the natural decay of transuranic elements. According to the preliminary calculation, the radioactive source is located in the depths of the Andes; 7,000 to 1,000 meters."
War staff with both hands will just receive chart to Wu Han.
Wu Han waved, "I can’t understand it if I can’t give it to me."
"Yes!" The war staff quickly took back the chart.
Wu Han touched Ba and thought for a moment. "So the American plan was successful?"
"Should be" war staff nodded.
Wu Han’s expression is very pondering "Americans are lucky."
Only high-level officials from all over the world know that this is not the first time for human beings to look for an alien stronghold. Since aliens landed on the earth, they have been looking for aliens all over the world.
However, the previous plan was never successful. This time, the plan came up with a sudden brainwave-the Americans heard that Beiyuezhou was studying micro-communication technology and built the largest micro-detector in human history, so I don’t know which American had a brainwave and came up with such a roundabout way.
No matter how the process is, it always makes the Americans become Wu Han with a sigh. "Get me the international base. I want to talk to Franklin directly!" "
The war staff promised to transfer the order to the communications department.
Soon after the communication was connected, a white old man with special spirit appeared on the screen.
The two men were very polite in a formulaic way, and then Wu Han got straight to the point: "General Franklin, we have found a micro-radioactive source from the decay of transuranic elements, which is located over 7,000 meters in the Andes … Congratulations."
"God bless!" Franklin sounded like the most senior stick. "I haven’t heard such good news for months … there is a radioactive source?"
"This one has been found so far," Wu Han said.
Franklin pursed his lips. "I believe this is definitely not the only alien stronghold. What do you think?"
Wu Han nodded. "We also think that finding this radioactive source is the first step. I believe we will find more radioactive sources in the future."
Franklin said, "Can I understand that your country wants to leave this alien stronghold alone for the time being?"
Wu Han said, "There must be more than one place where aliens have landed for so many years. Doing it now is tantamount to spooking them. We suggest that we record the coordinates first and then do it when the time is right."
Franklin smiled heartily. "We have reached an agreement, General!"
Wu Han also smiled, "Well, I’ll report the situation immediately."
"There is one more question!" Franklin put away his smile. "General Wu, have you ever thought if you can’t build a nuclear weapon all the time, will it arouse the suspicion of aliens?"
Wu Han’s mouth slightly raised. "That’s nuclear weapons. How can it be that easy?"
A few days later, deep in the Andes
"How can it be that easy?" Worm man waved his arms and body language to enhance his speaking ability. "Nuclear physics is the highest subject of human beings. Do you know how long it has been since human beings developed nuclear weapons?"
"How long?" An alien asked cooperatively.
"The principle of nuclear weapons has long been discovered, but the United States has developed nuclear weapons for six years, Britain for seven years, France for three years, and the former Soviet Union for four years!" Insect people are like a few treasures. "Even when humans have been here for so long, your biotechnology and human science and technology are two completely different development directions. How can you make the original bomb when it is less than a month since you got the nuclear material?"
"What does the year mean?" The alien asked.
"Is the earth … blue star around the star once"
"Well, I was too impatient," said the alien. "If the stellar law is so easy to master, is it still a stellar law?"
Judging from the news now, human beings also know the laws of stars, but even fur is not as simple as imagined
Worm man breathed a sigh of relief and added, "I must wake up again. Mastering the original bomb is the first step towards the star law. It has been more than seven years since the original bomb was transferred to the hydrogen bomb. The British have been in the Soviet Union for four and a half years, and the French have been in the North for two and a half months!"
The alien was slightly angry. "What are you trying to say?"
Worm humanity "I want to wake you up. The original bomb is not equal to the law of stars. It is a stepping stone to the law of stars."
"My patience is very limited," said the alien. "Since you are an expert, there must be a way, right?"
"Yes!" Worm man nodded without hesitation. "But I need experts in physics, mathematics, materials science and all kinds of experimental equipment. I can’t do it without one!" "
Chapter 1693 system
On the morning of January 14th, 237, a military port in a coastal area.
The rising sun rises in the east, but a seagoing ship flying a navy flag is not a warship. In the morning, it is close to the dock, but it stops slowly at a distance.
At this time, two tugboats approached the seagoing ship and slowly pushed the ship to the dock, finally reaching the port steadily.
A group of able-bodied men are looking in all directions on the deck. As soon as the ship approaches the harbor, they can’t wait to jump from the seven-meter-high deck.
Seeing this scene, the soldiers almost didn’t pop their eyes out, but the group of people actually landed steadily without any embarrassment.
A soldier gathered around his comrades and asked, "Who are these people?"
Another soldier whispered, "I don’t know, it’s definitely not an ordinary person!" "
"Tell me about it!"