"That’s strange?" Chen Xi ‘ang and Zhang Er are puzzled. "This is my first time here, so we should meet for the first time. People are similar. Maybe I take you for someone else?" He smiled wryly and decided to drop the subject before saying goodbye to her solemnly.
"Then we have a deal, Chief Shen!"
"It’s a deal!" Shen Xintang smile Han first replied
Chen Xi Ang started the engine of the car, then reached out and waved to them again. After the car started slowly, it quickly climbed the mountain road and slowly slid to the direction.
Section 171
Although after hard work, Chen Xi’ ang returned without a hand, and his heart gradually became cheerful
He whistled and looked at the corner of his mouth in front of the vast mountain forest and smiled triumphantly.
However, in the process of rapid slope, he suddenly drilled a beautiful image in the sea, forcing him to stop on the side of the road urgently and dangerously.
"Oh, my God, isn’t she that Miss Shen?" When he patted his forehead, his mind suddenly came up with the woman whom Zhuang Yi and his wife introduced to him when he was working for Liu Bai in the sea a few years ago.
She was so weak at that time, not as sharp and aggressive as she saw today, and what does she look younger now?
Is that her?
Isn’t that her?
Even the name is the same!
Shen xintang!
Do, chapter 22 countdown to the finale 2 do.
Three years ago, after Shen Xintang left the sea, he went to Xiamen for a few days and then to Yunnan for a few days. Then he was stopped by someone and asked her, "Are you Miss Shen Xintang?" Your fiance is posting on the internet looking for you. "
At first glance, Shen Xintang. com found that all major forums had a post on Hua Xuantang’s eo’s pursuit of runaway wife, asking for help from netizens. If there is any whereabouts, there will be a reward.
Shen Xintang felt that Hua Wenxuan’s doing things like this was not too ridiculous. She did tell him and he was impossible. Why did he look for her in such a big way?
She can’t stay in the tourist attractions. There are so many tourists here that she will be found by Hua Wenxuan sooner or later.
And she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore.
On the way back, the car was accidentally blocked in the provincial road, only to find out that there was a little accident ahead. A young man stopped in front of a truck to prevent the other party from passing, and the two sides were arguing and tearing.
People in the car are a little anxious and impatient. Many people go around to watch the excitement. Shen Xintang didn’t like it, but she was a little stuffy in the car. She hitchhiked for air.
As a result, I saw two big men bullying a big boy in his early twenties. His clothes were torn and his feet were torn. He wore shoes, his face was bruised and his eyes were still watery.
The beating party also plausibly said that the other party owed the bank loan and refused to pay back the debt. Even though the bystanders had a grievance for the boy, it seems that they didn’t defend him. The position was to persuade them not to hit people.
However, the big boy pulled out his college diploma and explained that he graduated from Southwest Agricultural University and went home to prepare for aquaculture production. As a result, he lost his experience in the first year and planned to start again this time. When the piglets grew up and sold them, he could slowly repay the loan, but the bank didn’t believe that he would continue to borrow, and then he told his plan in detail and confidently said that he would succeed this time. He hoped that the bank would be accommodating.
It’s a bold and risky move for a college student to stay at home and start a business after graduation, and everyone doesn’t understand it. It seems that being a swineherd in college is a bit disappointing
Shen Xintang seems to see his younger brother’s shadow from him. Young people all have a desire to start a business without losing momentum. This young man Shen Jiayang is different. He has a professional background in this field, has a detailed plan and is determined. Unlike Shen Jiayang, he believes that his future is limitless in time.
This big boy is Yao.
So Shen Xintang came out.
I’m going to buy a house, and the money is still in the bank card. The money doesn’t show its value until there is a prescription.
She helped him pay off the loan and then he went to his small farm as a creditor.
Later, Shen Xintang found that the mountain is high and the road is far away, so he just lived here.
Occasionally, one day, a sow ran over the fence in the family farm. When Shen Xintang and Yao went all over the mountains to find it, they found that it was arching against a hazel tree, and then something black emerged from the soil. It chewed and ate it.
Then Shen Xintang recognized that the sow was eating, which turned out to be called table diamond and black truffle!
This is really an unexpected and important discovery!
It is located in the southwest border area, about 15 meters above sea level, surrounded by desolate ridges hundreds of kilometers, and the vegetation on the hillside is rare. In addition to the tall hazel trees, the grass plants die from November to March every year, and the locals still know that there are black truffles in the ground because of autumn and winter. When it matures, it will be the destruction day of nearby neighbors.
Besides, even if you know that there is this black thing on your face, no one in the local people knows it, and you don’t know its value.
After Shen Xintang found out, the horse asked Yao Zhao to help the children in the surrounding villages pick black truffles, because after this season, the black truffle horse will rot in the soil.
Due to lack of manpower, I couldn’t come overtime. Although it took seven days to collect dozens of pounds of truffles, Shen Xintang already felt very satisfied.
Because there are many old people and children in the surrounding villages, and many children still have to learn from Shen Xintang, they dare not delay them too much. Most of the time, she and Yao dig in person.
After digging it back, it has to be cleaned and dried quickly. Because the black truffles are short-lived, they will not sell them to the market so that they can be made into dried truffles first.
Then, in autumn, when the wild boar was slaughtered, Shen Xintang asked Yao to escort it to Guangzhou to sell black truffles by the way, but because they didn’t have the qualification certificate, people refused to buy it at the market price and finally had to sell it at a low price.
Then Shen Xintang found that there was no one to manage the hazelnuts when they matured. Many of them fell from the trees and rotted in the soil. It was a pity that Yao said something about taking black truffles to the Canton Fair. Shen Xintang agreed and gave a detailed information. They picked hazelnuts together and asked Yao to take them to the Canton Fair together.
Everything comes to him who waits. After he went to the Canton Fair, he met a merchant who knows pearls and pearls. Later, he joined forces to trade. They personally came to the field and invited experts to check and found that these black truffles were actually sold in mainstream hotels in Paris for as much as 1 euro per kilogram. Unexpectedly, China also had output, which really made them happy. He quickly signed an acquisition contract with Shen Xintang and was helped by Shen Xintang to join a dry goods processing factory. Although the operation was difficult, Shen Xintang made a fortune.
Considering the derivative interests in the future, Shen Xintang asked Yao Hexiang to make a report to contract hundreds of acres of surrounding mountain forests, which made the local township aa government happy. They said that the root of this mountain forest is an idle land. I didn’t expect that there would be a fool willing to spend 100,000 yuan to rent it every year, and they naturally enjoyed it. Shen Xintang wrote the terms very carefully when drafting the contract. If the future government aa government wants to take back this mountain forest, it will not be so easy.
This Shen Xintang became a veritable big landlord, smiling at her mistress.
Three years have gone by in a flash, and Shen Xintang has been busy all day. At that time, her emotional injury has gradually healed in her busy and full state. She is very satisfied with her current goal. In addition to expanding the business of wild boar, she also wants to set up a processing factory to process wild hazelnuts herself. In this way, the benefits generated are much higher than the purchase price of dumping them directly to the purchaser, which is only 10 yuan a kilogram. After processing them, they will be sold to major supermarkets and shopping malls for 50 to 60 yuan a kilogram, while the market price is 60 yuan a catty, that is, 136 yuan a kilogram. The
But now Shen Xintang’s shop is too big, and her money has long been used up. The activity funds are really limited. She is wondering whether to go to the bank for a loan.
In fact, she is very resistant to the loan. She is not used to borrowing money. When she owes money, she always feels very stressed, especially after witnessing Yao’s debt collection.
When Chen Xi ‘ang came to talk about the acquisition of black truffles today, Shen Xintang had an idea to ask him for capital injection, but she had another idea in her heart. She wanted the villagers to be closer to her personality charm. In other words, the villagers took out the money in the bank to set up a factory and then distributed the shares according to how much they invested to win the corresponding dividends every year.
However, this is not an easy task. At present, Shen Xintang has such an idea and has not really put it into action.
The mountain night is bleak and cold, and Shen Xintang is half leaning against the bedstead and half being looked at.
There is no network in the lonely mountain, no cell phone signal in the bustling city, and when it is strong and weak, it is equipped with a lid. The TV can only receive three video channels: one is local TV, the other is provincial TV public channel, and the other is county TV. There are not many good-looking programs. Shen Xintang sometimes wants to see an animal world, but occasionally she sees the entertainment program "It’s really annoying" on the TV channel. Once it was hit, Hua Minxuan became a big hit, and then she endorsed Hua Xuantang for skin care. However, Hua Minxuan’s star path was not so smooth. The
Hua Wenxuan has also made Hua Xuantang soar in the past two years’ hard work. This year, he just broke through the issue price by 21 percentage points on the day he applied for success in the NYSE, and his personal worth immediately quadrupled, once again becoming the focus of attention in the industry.