Recently, Hou Dasheng has aroused a lot of people’s attention, but everyone has chosen to shut up. No one wants to get into trouble, even some large companies such as armored regiment, Deyang and military resources have chosen to wait and see.
"Things are a bit eye-catching, but there is nothing we can do," Hou Dasheng Nai sighed. "We are in urgent need of transformation and hesitated for too long before, which led to that we almost lost the opportunity to take orders and scrapped them. Now it is no longer the era when black jobs and mercenaries prevail. We need to cover up a lot of things."
Benoit nodded. It is true. At present, g4s is the largest security company in the world. After the merger of the original companies grou4fak and seurir, this company has rapidly developed into the largest security company in the market.
This security company, which was founded in 1991, has been split and reorganized many times after a hundred years of development. According to some news, this company has more than 600,000 employees in more than 100 countries.
The projects they are responsible for include private security, enterprise security, security in sensitive areas, a large part of police training and military training.
"In fact, g4s also has my shares, but the composition of that company’s shares is more complicated. I occupied a small part of the shares in it, which is completely inconsistent with my original intention." benoit said lightly to Hou Dasheng, "And your establishment is more in line with my appetite."
Hou Dacheng smiled but didn’t speak. In fact, he also took a fancy to this starting point. It is very simple. Now, trusting the security forces has become the most people in need. It takes too much time and energy to choose to cultivate the security forces themselves.
However, it is certainly more reassuring to hire someone else but not to be assured of jackals’ support. Moreover, Hou Dasheng has also listed a series of screening, inspection and verification methods to avoid being mixed in. At this time, for example, when traveling in benoit, there is no need to have a large number of security personnel as before
He needs to bring his own core security personnel, and then the peripheral security can be handed over to the jackal to set up a security company. At the same time, the jackal will set up a security company, which will definitely receive a large number of orders in the Paris city and surrounding manors and residential areas to help in benoit.
At the same time, it will make benoit more secure for several levels, and they can support each other at any time.
"In Paris, we will set up a special task force, which will be responsible for solving some problems." Hou Dasheng smiled lightly. "Of course, if we want to go to them, we will also be responsible for some finishing work."
Benoit smiled leisurely and said, "If you can send a special task force, then you will not worry about the finishing problem. These guests will take care of it themselves. Of course, you have to get things done before."
"Click" just as the two people were talking, the door of the ward was knocked, but they saw several nurses coming out in a hurry, and then they pushed a car and hurried in. When Hou Dasheng saw the car with a blood bag, his heart felt tight. Obviously, this was a bleeding symptom.
Benoit seems to have seen it too. When he looked back, he saw Hou Dacheng’s face ferocious slowly. Looking at Hou Dacheng’s face, benoit sank, "Don’t worry. I can’t say it’s the best hospital in France, but the medical equipment and medical staff here are definitely the first-class in France. When Lisa moved in, she had already prepared some problems with the same blood type plasma. You don’t have to worry about it and Dr. Yu Yong is still in it."
Benoit’s words finally calmed Hou Dacheng down a little, but his face slowed down slightly, but it was still gloomy and terrible. "I’m a little worried, and I’m a little scared. Lisa is still in there. I’ve been busy all this time. I didn’t see her before she entered the delivery room."
Patted Hou Dacheng’s shoulder. benoit was silent and didn’t speak again. Hou Dacheng also lost his desire to speak for a while. Two big men just looked at the delivery room door and waited for the news from inside.
"Why does Brin have a security company coming to see you again? I think you are tempted by your expression." Two burly men with big beards are talking with a smile in a cafe outside London, England.
The man called Brin looks 40 years old. He wears a sportswear and has a short beard. His hair is also lean and strong, but he shrugs and looks at the strong man in his thirties with a big beard and slightly long hair. "What’s wrong, Bert? You like it very much now. To tell the truth, I have been unable to locate my life since I retired. My children and family need money, but obviously I live a better life now."
Jenny wants a piano. Yesterday, I went to see the damn piano, which cost me 15 pounds. It took me a long time to buy it for Jenny. Bringby was annoyed to see that he put down his coffee cup and whispered, "Delia’s birthday is coming soon. She never asks for anything, but I will prepare her the best I can."
Brin said couldn’t help.
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Youyou sighed. "Our neighbor bought a Louis Vuitton handbag for his wife. I can see that Delia likes it very much, but she didn’t talk to me. I really want to buy it for her."
Bert didn’t speak, but sighed. The two big men drank coffee in silence for a while before Bert sank, "Brin, have you thought it over? If you want a lot of money, then I don’t believe these jobs will be easy, but if they are ordinary prices, I don’t believe you will go."
"Fortunately, the manager of that company used to be our comrade-in-arms. Remember Nicholas?" Bert couldn’t help but shrink his pupils when he heard this. "Nicholas damn, I haven’t heard from that guy for years. I’ve been keeping him dead somewhere."
Brin hey hey smiled and then his expression became a little dim. "He didn’t die in the battlefield, but now he is in a bad situation. Liver cancer stage III."
Brin’s words made Bert silent and cursed. Bert didn’t continue to talk. Brin cleaned up his mood and then whispered, "I was shocked when I went. He said he could arrange some work for us to go to hot spots regularly, so that the salary would be higher and there would be subsidies."
Bert was lazy and said to Brin, "I think he can pay 100 thousand pounds at most."
"It’s 150 thousand, excluding some subsidies," Brin said with a smile. "I calculated that if I stay in a hot spot for half a year, my subsidies and salary will reach 200 thousand pounds."
Chapter three hundred and fourteen New life
The figure of 200,000 pounds is not a small number. At present, the average annual income of London residents is about 30,000 pounds. Bert and Brin are some official resettlement workers after retirement, and their relative income is higher than that of ordinary people.
But even if it’s higher, it’s not much higher. What has been deducted from the tax for a year is 60,000 pounds or 70,000 pounds. Brin is married and has two children. The eldest daughter is almost in high school. The child’s wife is just an ordinary official employee. She has been deducted from the tax for almost 30,000 pounds a year.
They still have to pay the mortgage and car loan. Brin has paid the down payment for his retirement, but Brin has put a lot of pressure on himself in London. His area is in the center of London. Once he buys this house, Brin needs to pay back nearly 5 pounds a month to the bank.
Now Brin has two cars at home. A wife comes to work and picks up the children from school. This is a new Jaguar. Brin and his wife bite their teeth to buy Brin. They often need to work overtime, and their wives need to have their own cars to pick up the children.
Brin himself bought a Land Rover several years ago, which is also in line with his identity. When the family travels, Brin will take care of his Land Rover family, but usually both cars need to get up.
Life in London is still very high. A bottle of pure water outside is 1 pound. If Bollinger takes his family to watch the ball game, it will be even more terrible. The stadium is not allowed to bring its own water, while the water inside is 1 pound. A simple hot dog is 59 pounds. If you want to eat a family lunch, 4 pounds is the minimum.
In a city where life is so high, you have to bear the mortgage and car loan in the central area. You can imagine how much pressure Brin has, which is why he said it would take a long time to buy a piano for his children, even though his income is higher than that of ordinary families.
However, the demand for quality of life makes his and his wife’s income seem very reluctant. Now there is an opportunity before him to enter that company, so his income can be doubled and his wife’s income can be doubled. He can live very easily.
Brin even thought about it. After working in the company for five years, he asked to transfer back to England, so that he could not only go to work nearby, but also spend more time with his family for five years. After deducting taxes, mortgage and car loans, he could spare about 200 thousand pounds
"I asked Nicholas, and they will set up a training center in England to train new people on the one hand, and to do adaptive training on the other hand, and to train some people who want to learn actual shooting skills."
Brin smiled and said to Bert, "I talked to him. He said that I can take charge of high-risk workers and then come back five years later. Although the salary of British workers will be lower than that of field work, it will be about 100,000 pounds a year, and they will give a certain amount of bonus according to the business situation and my performance in their planning."
Bert also fell silent this time. Looking at Bert Brin, he didn’t speak, but smiled. He knew that Bert was tempted, on the one hand, because he had enough money, and on the other hand, Bert still missed the life of bullets.
It is said that at Bert and Brin’s age, they should still be in service, but unfortunately, in a special operation, they failed because of an intelligence error. Although it was not their fault, the scapegoat Brin and Bert were pushed out. They shouldered the mistake in exchange for the master’s arrangement, and now the salary is considered as compensation for the high work.
"Having a safe mother" Tired Yuyong and several doctors walked out of the operating room and smiled at Hou Dacheng’s tired face outside the door. "Your old Hou family is a queen, so I can live up to your grandfather. Well, don’t bother your daughter-in-law yet. She needs a rest."
Lisa was pushed out when the delivery room was cleaned up. At this time, Lisa looked rather pale. She smiled at Hou Dacheng and then was pushed away by the nurse. Two newborn children were held in front of Hou Dacheng and benoit by the nurse.
Hou Dacheng wanted to stretch out his hand to hug the child, but he shrank back in an instant. The child was too young for fear that his brute force was too great to hurt the child. benoit hesitated for a long time, but he didn’t hug the child after all.
It was at this time that several big men in black were silent and surrounded, and then escorted two nurses to send the children to the Lisa delivery room. Hou Dacheng was very uneasy to follow the nurse to the door and beat the door.
However, there were three women in the ward who looked tough and had short hair. They took a look at Hou Dacheng and then watched the two nurses carefully put the children beside Lisa. Lisa had fallen asleep at this time. It was very difficult for her to have two children after she lost her first child.
Watching the nurse put the baby in the crib, Hou Dasheng took a long breath and walked out the door. When Hou Dasheng saw that benoit was muttering to himself and approached, he heard what benoit seemed to be saying. Finally, he watched his sister grow up, get married and have children.
Hou Dacheng looked at him and couldn’t help smiling bitterly. benoit estimated that he was dazed when he saw this situation. Although benoit has been preparing a Lisa child to adopt a family to inherit the Celix family, benoit himself was at a loss when the child came.
A few words of comfort to benoit Hou Dasheng went into the kitchen to make soup for Lisa. According to the family habit, Lisa had to drink the old hen stew at this time. When she was expecting to give birth, she had already killed the chicken at home, and then benoit spared no effort to directly package and keep fresh and shipped it to France.
To tell the truth, benoit is rich and has the ability to toss and turn for another person, which may not be able to toss and turn. Yu Yong has already prepared medicinal materials and put them in the crock with the old hen. Hou Dacheng charcoal simmered soup.
The perimeter of the courtyard was covered with a lot of security forces. Hou Dacheng walked through the corridor and could feel the invisible shadows everywhere. After more than two hours, the soup was stewed. Hou Dacheng picked up the crock and put it on the iron, and sent it to the Lisa ward.
"Quack-quack" had just knocked on the door when he heard bursts of baby crying in the ward. When he looked around, he saw that Lisa was in a hurry. With the help of the nurse, Hou Dasheng quickly put the crock soup in his hand on the table.
But before he left, Hou Dacheng froze again and again. He seemed to have nothing to help. He smiled wryly at the edge and didn’t know what he could do, but he just looked at Lisa stupidly, watching the nurse guide and help breast-feed the child.
After a long time, Lisa finally got used to it. Just then, the baby didn’t eat much when he was born. After eating a few mouthfuls, he went back to sleep contentedly. Most of the newborns slept except eating.