It is estimated that more media will join the live coverage when the game is over … What a grand occasion!
Thanks to Real Madrid, a King’s Cup final has the rhythm of the Champions League final.
After this game, he always wins, and he has seen a big scene. He can go out and brag-you know what? I led the team to a game against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu and won it!
He can’t help but feel excited at the thought of stirring up the centenary celebration of Real Madrid in front of so many multimedia and fans.
This kind of excitement is reflected in the sudden smile on his face.
Taiwan reporters all looked up and waited for Chang Sheng to say something, but suddenly they saw Chang Sheng laughing.
That’s weird. What’s he laughing at?
Chang Sheng came to her senses and looked at a group of inexplicable reporters with a bigger smile on her face. "It’s good to have a lot of people. I know you must have a lot of questions to ask me. You didn’t ask me, because I answered you with a word. I have something to say when I came to the Bernabeu this time …"
Then he raised his arm and waved "Hi, everyone! Sorry, we are here to play! "
Chapter one hundred and sixteen We are uninvited guests
Chang Sheng spoke all over Spain at the press conference that night.
The coach Chang Sheng, who has led his team to the final of the King’s Cup twice in a row, has attracted much attention. Now the confrontation with Real Madrid has made him the focus of Spain’s attention.
In this case, it is daring to say such a thing.
Everyone knows what it means that Real Madrid specially arranged the final of the King’s Cup for today.
Generally speaking, except Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, other teams have nothing to say.
After all, people have a chance once in a hundred years.
Who doesn’t eat dumplings for the New Year?
It’s not a bad idea for Real Madrid to arrange this. They just want to add some festive atmosphere.
Everyone understands.
Even if there’s something unpleasant, you have to whisper about injustice in private.
I didn’t expect to win this second leng so directly that they came to smash the field!
Regardless of whether he can really ruin the game, this sentence is equivalent to a slap in the face in Real Madrid.
Just imagine that at a busy birthday party, everyone is scrambling to give the oldest person sitting in the first prestigious place auspicious words, which makes him laugh. The atmosphere is peaceful.
The well-dressed distinguished guests talked lightly, with elegant smiles and noble manners.
Brilliant lights reflect everyone’s brilliance. Men are handsome and charming, and women are beautiful and generous.
The band is dancing on the dance floor where the players gently relieve the music.
What a wonderful night …
At this time, there was a sudden burst of footsteps at the door, and then a body was still stained with mud and a face of travel-stained uninvited guests appeared at the gate.
Maybe it’s because of his hurry. He’s in rags, his face is old, and he has traces of sleeping in the wind.
Everyone’s eyes and attention were attracted by him, and everyone turned to look at the door. In the hall, the band stopped playing with curiosity and surprise.
The old man of the birthday boy also frowned because he had not invited this stranger.
Seeing the uninvited guest grin at the stunned host and guests, "I’m sorry I’m late."
Then he walked uninvited into the magnificent singing and dancing hall and went straight to the dance floor.
Dancing on the dance floor, men and women fled in panic and looked at him with doubts.
He waved his hand in the middle of the dance floor. "I’m sorry to disturb your mood, but I’m here to smash the field today."
That’s how Chang Sheng felt when he said that at the press conference before the game.
He said before a grand celebration that he had come to smash a scene. This courage really made people wonder what to say about him.
For Real Madrid, you usually add up to one, so forget it. Now it’s the centenary celebration of Real Madrid. It’s really disrespectful that you are dying fast enough …
That night, Madrid TV was discussing Chang Sheng’s remarks at the press conference.
"I often push Valencia into the fire pit!"
"It’s really unwise to say this before the game, because he ignited the anger and fighting spirit of Real Madrid players. Valencia will encounter a very difficult game in the Bernabeu … If I were him, I wouldn’t say what I think before the game. I know he hates Real Madrid. Actually, many people don’t like Real Madrid’s bullying, but it’s better to be smart …"
This is perhaps the most special and peculiar pre-match tactical meeting that Valencia players have attended.
Because of the constant victory, they didn’t arrange tactics, but let them watch a preview program with the King’s Cup final through the video machine in the conference room.
In the program, the host and guests are sitting on various predictions about the day’s competition, and they analyze them through all kinds of information they have.
The final conclusion is very consistent, that is, whether Valencia can win the game away from home or not.
Yes, yes, away.
Although the Bernabeu is nominally a neutral venue, many Valencia fans will come, but in fact, this is an away game for the Valencia team
Santiago Bernabeu Stadium seems to have some mysterious power bonus, which can give Real Madrid more power when playing in this stadium. Playing in a familiar venue will make Real Madrid more comfortable than Valencia.
On the other hand, it was tragic enough for Valencia to play Real Madrid at the Bernabeu. Their head coach Chang Sheng also took the initiative to provoke his opponent at the press conference the day before the game, arousing his opponent’s anger. He would make his team die even worse and never help his team win the game.
"Chang is still too young … his psychological warfare is to scold his opponent a few words before the game, which can make the other side panic and upset …" So it seems a pity that the guest shakes his head and sighs.
"In terms of players’ strength, Valencia does not have an advantage. Real Madrid masters such as Juan Raul, Morientes, Zida, Figo, Roberto Carlos, and Yero … Any of these superstars can change the result of the game. Compared with Valencia players, although they have strength, they are still worse than Real Madrid superstars …"
"Tactics, I think, winning that set of tactics must have been thoroughly studied by Bosco. Real Madrid suffered twice in Valencia, and there is absolutely no reason for them to eat a third time …"
"Speaking of which, Joe, I would like to add that Valencia was able to beat Real Madrid twice, but it was not all tactical credit. It was obvious that their first game was often a football victory. He ruined the future of a promising player … In the second game, that was the true level of Valencia, which showed that the score of 21 was a bit lucky, and Real Madrid must have invested more than the league in the King’s Cup final … So I don’t think much of Valencia in this game …"
Chang Sheng turned off the TV before the end of the program, and then he looked at his players.
"Do you have any ideas after watching this program? Anyway, I have a lot to say that people are so naked and despised. I have something to say that I have a full belly to say to … They heard it for those who despise us, but it’s a pity that even if we dry up our saliva in this conference room, it will affect each other and they won’t hear it. "
Chang Sheng looked at the players. He was carefully observing each player’s expression [Golden Pupil]. He couldn’t tell whether a player’s fighting spirit was high or not, and he couldn’t see through their thoughts, but he could still guess something by observing the expression.
It can be seen that several guests and hosts in the front view vowed that Valencia would definitely have no chance in the final, which deeply stimulated Valencia players.
Although they must all know what the outside world thinks of them, it is still different to see the excitement directly through the TV.
In particular, the guests and hosts in the program constantly have close-ups to show their faces and expressions clearly.
This naked contempt makes Valencia players very unhappy.