Haikui couldn’t bear it for a moment. Before he left, he whispered, "Grandma, I’m back. You should live well."
"Of course, my good grandson," the old lady shed tears in her eyes.
The doctor sighed lightly, and when others didn’t notice him, he withdrew.
Yu Lin and Haikui are in front of the old lady’s bed, smiling at her.
Suddenly, the old lady said, "Son, grandma is relieved when you come back. I feel like I’m going to another place."
Yu Lin blurted out, "Where?"
"It is full of all kinds of flowers, and it looks beautiful, like a garden. People there are beautiful, happy and light when they walk," the old lady looked at Fang with a yearning face.
If Haikui guessed correctly, the old lady said that the place should be heaven. It is said that when people die, they can see where they are going, so beautiful, not where heaven is.
Haikui blessed the old lady,
The old lady smiled, slowly closed her eyes and looked happy.
Yu Lin exclaimed, "Grandma,"
Haikui grabbed Yu Lin and shook his head. "Grandma is gone, so don’t disturb her to go to heaven."
Yu Lin sobbed at Haikui and suddenly turned to the door. "Brother Sheng, didn’t you bring the doctor?"
Haikui pulled her again. "Yu Lin, let grandma go. She is old, which is happiness for her, but it is painful to go away."
But Yu Lin didn’t listen. He shook Haikui’s hand and rushed out of the door, shouting, "Doctor, doctor, come in and see grandma."
Haikui felt that the doctor should light a cigarette and take a sip at this time. He was anxious and calm in Yu Lin and said, "Girl, your grandmother is dying. I saw it just now. I’m sorry for your loss."
However, the doctor sighed, "Look at it, girl."
Simple things are on display,
Maybe Haikui didn’t really feel like an old woman, and he couldn’t understand the mood. Yu Lin was heartbroken and continued to ask the doctor, "Doctor, please, please help grandma."
The doctor sighed again, "Girl, this gentleman has said just now, you’d better let your grandmother go so happily."
"No, no, I want grandma to attend my wedding," Yu Lin said, shaking his head.
Haikui suddenly discovered how good the earth photography technology is. At this time, he gave grandma a smiling face and took a picture for Yu Lin. It is estimated that this girl can feel much better.
Sighed, everything can’t go well, Haikui glanced at the old lady with her eyes closed with a smile on her face, and then walked to Yu Lin, holding handfuls of Lin Yulou in her arms, comforting, "Don’t be sad."
Haikui feels strange. At this time, Yu Lin should come to comfort him. He is the old grandson (fake), and I don’t take advantage of you.
Yu Lin cried, tore heart crack lung,
Haikui suddenly felt a little pain,
Looking down at this beautiful woman with pear blossoms and rain, Haikui sighed in her heart.
No wonder the hero is sad about the beauty. This painful feeling makes Haikui want to do everything to protect her.
The doctor shook his head and went out with his things, probably because he didn’t want to be a light bulb.
Haikui just hugged Yu Lin and let her in his arms. I don’t know how long it took. Yu Lin finally stopped crying and looked up. "What about grandma?"
Haikui looked everywhere, and there were few people around here.
"Why don’t you buy a coffin and bury grandma next to the running water of the bridge?" Haikui said.
Yu Lin’s eyes followed Haikui’s eyes, looked at the side of the bridge, and seemed to himself, "How did Brother Sheng choose that place?"
"I think that place is beautiful. Have you ever heard a poem?"
"What poem?" Yu Lin looked up at Haikui with big eyes.
"A dead vine and an old tree faint crow, a small bridge and a flowing water family, an ancient road with a thin horse and a west wind, and a heartbroken man is at the end of the world," Hai Kui recited the poem leisurely.
After studying for several years, few poems can be remembered, which is the same as weeding at noon and moonlight in bed.
Yu Lin listened to Haikui’s poetry reading, and was temporarily infatuated.
Haikui see Yu Lin that seems to be worship eyes, especially this level of beauty to worship their eyes, Haikui some airy at the moment,
What’s the lyrics? I float proudly, I float proudly ~ I float proudly.
"Yu Lin, younger sister, younger sister," Haikui shouted several times for Lin Yucai to return to her soul and looked at Haikui shyly.
Haikui gave a dry cough. "Don’t look at me like that."
Yu Lin turned around and smiled, but Ma’s face turned ugly.
At that time, I forgot my grandmother’s death. Yu Lin felt very ashamed and said to Haikui, "Brother Sheng, am I a bad girl? I was very worried just now."
Haikui looked very familiar with her mood. "Sister, this is normal. You are still young. You can make people understand if you forget yourself for a while. Don’t feel guilty."
Yu Lin nodded and said, "Let’s bury grandma there."
"Well, in that case, you wait here first, and I’ll arrange, buy a coffin, and give grandma a good burial," Haikui said to Yu Lin.
Chapter 397 Wait for my long hair and waist
79 Read Chapter 397 When I grow my waist, it will be when I marry you.
Lin Yu nodded, watched Haikui out of the gate, and then went back to the house to accompany grandma.
Haikui said to the guards and doctors outside the courtyard, "Take the doctor back to Qingfeng County first, and then buy me a coffin. It’s not bad money."
The two guards nodded, and they were still carrying master Zhang to give gold, of course, they were not short of money.
The guard drove the carriage, the doctor drove the carriage, and the carriage roared off, ticking and jumping like the swing arm of a mechanical clock in the 1950 s,
Haikui watched the carriage disappear all the time,
I don’t know when the wind stopped, the willow leaves stopped floating and rustling, but the rushing water rang.
It turned out that the rustling of willow leaves covered up the sound of running water, and the rushing running water was so beautiful.
Haikui walked to the bridge and came to the stream. The water was crystal clear, about half a meter deep.
There are fish swimming in the water. The fish are small and dark, but they swim together in groups, just like black lines constantly swinging.
Haikui picked up a stone and threw it into the stream. With a splash, all the fish were scattered.
The fish fled in fright, and Haikui laughed and suddenly remembered his childhood.
When I was a child, I liked to go to the river. When I was a child, I thought it was very interesting to play with water, especially in summer. The cool feeling drove away the summer heat, and my little feet ran in the water. Don’t be so cool, just sit by the water and watch the grandfathers fish.