"…" Should I answer him? Is he half right?
"Oh my god, should not you just really stunned? "Another human confidence expression shook his head.
"Ga la? Master in a daze? "BaoLei head up a question mark.
Strange. Do I know them? I found that the tone of the conversation between the other party and me was very familiar, which made me confused at heart
Although I really want to see the clue from the appearance, I can’t find the clue because the MASK is wearing a mask that covers half of my face.
"Who are you? "I asked directly," We know each other, right? 」
"Guess what! There is a prize in guessing! "MASK a group of people laughing like a bad drama.
"Honk! Master, guess! There is a prize! "BaoLei flashing eyes chimed in.
"Guess" I simply shrugged.
"It’s really rare to give a few names a try." Seeing that I didn’t take part in the name guessing game, the other party sighed a little.
"That’s right. Say a few names casually, and maybe you can really guess a few people."
"When the waves, I guess it’s better to take the mask directly. Isn’t that faster? 」
"If you want to see your true face, you’ve been to a few tricks."? "Next to a white mask mask only gold hook edge boy said.
"I like this discussion."
I smiled back at the white masked man, and I immediately grabbed his face.
The other side stopped my attack with one hand, and I changed the direction to buckle him. He held out his hand, and the other side waved his other hand to break free, but I also buckled it.
"You this strategy is not very good? "The other person smiled at me." Even if this can contain me, you can’t take my mask. "
"That’s not certain."
"huh? 」
As for the other party, when I was puzzled by my answer, I winked at Bao Lei.
"Thunderstorm took his mask."
"Honk! Grab the mask! Grab the mask! "suddenly and violently thunder immediately flew to the previous one and took off the mask of the other party.
"Foul! Nobody does that! "The other protest rang rang.
"You haven’t heard of" unscrupulous "? "I half joke retort.
"Honk! This is tactics, tactics! "Violent similarity echoed.
"hey? Are you … Avik? 」
I looked at each other’s true face in the laughter, and the familiar face made me stunned.
"Bingo!" Amber eyes smiled, and Avik smiled.
"Is it really you? What brings you here? Seeing my old friend made me excited.
"Not me, but someone else is here."
On one side, MASK members took off their masks one after another and appeared as old faces Adolf and Caesar, my close friends among snipers.
"You … how? 」
"Didn’t I tell you before? Adolf smiled at me. Don’t you remember? 」
Adolf’s mask is painted with red gold, and the flame shape is painted with red gold. The red color of the mask with full luxury makes his emerald eyes more eye-catching.
"I remember, but I didn’t expect this."
To say that my MASK has met many old friends, it is better to say that the MASK root is composed of our sniper friends.
"Scared? With a white tiger and a crossbow, Ola, a professional hunter, smiled at me. The idea was Adolf, and we thought it was fun, so we followed.
"Although I was a little uncomfortable at first, I found this game quite interesting after staying here for a while."
Dinky, with two horns on his head, chimed in. He was followed by a demon bodyguard. It seems that Dinky’s occupation should be to collect demons. He fought and called demons.
"The new just saw our war feeling? "By the new killer hook shoulder wristbands, masks, it is decorated with camouflage pattern Caesar some urgent ask.
"What does it feel like? "The new killer will shrink his arm and hook him directly." You little bastards actually copied our tactics! 」
"Ha ha was found by you? "Avik laughed and laughed." It’s not bad for us to use your strategy to make it whole for others. "
"Ga la la la plagiarism, plagiarism! Plagiarism is not good! This is not good, "said the thunder drum gills to help some condemnation.
Plagiarism? It was only in hindsight that I realized that the tactics that made me feel familiar before were actually developed by our former snipers.
"Is that UIA12 tactics? "I confirm questioning.
"Yes, but we have improved it," Caesar added.
"Of course, we have to change it," replied Yan Xing in a natural tone. "If you take it here intact, you will definitely suffer a big defeat."
"Ha ha ha ….." Caesar laughed a few times. "It was because we were worried that this would happen. We simulated several wars and finally made it better."
Just as we were talking, a loud and thick male voice came.
"hey! I have bought my things and can go! 」
Looking back, I saw a dwarf skipping around. His height is about to the chest position. If it is converted into a numerical value, it is about 110 or 120 centimeters!
Although he is not tall, he is carrying a burden on his shoulders, but he is nearly half his height.
"Hey? Cat! What are you doing here? "The dwarf’s eyes glowed and rushed to my baggage, and things jingled because of his running.
"Ga? Dwarves! "BaoLei flew to the other side curious to look at him.
"Uh, you are …" I looked at him in confusion.