"Since it’s please, I have a choice whether to help Li or not. I didn’t help you. Please make a detour." I refused the ghost request directly
"I’ll pay you if you help me." The ghost’s belly sounded again when it was male and female.
"I don’t need any reward from you. I want you to leave at once." I frowned and the ghost actually paid me back.
"I want to get my head back. I have had this wish for so many years. If I help me, I will definitely pay you." The ghost will pay you again
Look at the stubborn attitude of the ghost. I know that if I refuse, he will continue to pester me
I don’t want to delay here when I hear that cough has begun to change position
"The reward of the head forester is a pearl in my belly that can make ghosts do their best." After the ghost finished speaking, it was estimated that he did have the ability to make ghosts do their best to gather pearls, and the body overflowed and disappeared in an instant.
I couldn’t help but be surprised when the ranger heard the ghost answer.
When I arrived at the desert island with the tour group, the tour group emphasized that the desert island was uninhabited. Now I hear ghosts say that there are foresters on this desert island. I directly decided that the person who coughed should be the forester.
"The ranger is the old man you are in a hurry to find." The ghost spoke again.
"Deal, don’t get in the way now. You know, I can’t help you if I can’t find the ranger." Knowing that the ghost and my target are the same, I was ready to agree to the ghost’s request. I gave the ghost a positive answer directly.
When I spoke, the ghost immediately moved away from me, no longer blocking my way, but always following me.
That is, by the time I finished talking with the ghost, the cough had completely disappeared, so I could travel in the general direction that I had identified the origin of the cough before.
In such a situation, I can’t help but glance at the ghosts who follow me sadly.
Follow the ghost around me. At this time, the abdomen is pronounced again, saying that the forester is in a certain range every year and every month, and will not be far away from that specific range. I am not worried that I will not find the forester if he leads the way.
I was relieved to hear what the ghost said. I asked the ghost as I walked. Now that he had determined the position of the ranger, he didn’t go to get his own head himself.
The ghost told me that the ranger moves around a certain area year after year. If there is an array, he can’t get into it at all.
I said that there are many loopholes in ghost words, so we can’t keep the forest people from dying, so we can’t always keep the border line.
The ghost said that it didn’t mean that he was killed in the war. He wandered around in order to find his head. After years, he finally found the place where his head was, but he found that there was a law and a forester there.
He found this desert island decades ago. In these decades, the ranger never left the desert island and always stayed around the array. He was more a ranger than a ranger.
I know whether the ranger and my father have met when I hear ghosts, but I am more curious about the ranger who has not seen him yet.
I asked what was in the ghost array, and the ghost said that he was too weak to get too close to the array. Naturally, it was unclear what was in the array.
The ghost said that his ghost power was low, and he could still be a lonely ghost safely. That made him try his best to collect the ghostly beads, and his continued low ghost power was also because of that.
When I heard the ghost, I glanced at it and asked him to explain to me a white ghost. To tell the truth, the pearl needs to be carried around without swallowing, so that he can collect whatever he wants. It is a coincidence that after he got the pearl, he was afraid that it would be lost or coveted by someone. He chose to swallow it directly and let it stay in his body.
It’s no problem to carry the pearl with you. Once it is swallowed into the body, it will make it difficult for ghosts to cultivate themselves. However, even after he knew the result, he swallowed the pearl without hesitation. He didn’t intend to become a ghost. He only wanted to get his head back.
Ghost words make me sigh in my heart. Obsession really affects everything.
The ghost sighed faintly in the belly and asked me if I knew when the land area was small, but people continued to be barren and not developed from this desert island. Asked me if I knew that the ancient trees here were growing very well.
I shook my head and said that I don’t know if the ghost said that it was because the desert island buried several bodies and heads. Ghost culture has always been a panic among high-level people. There will be a number of ghosts here who are afraid of disturbing and blaming ghosts. This desert island continues to be barren and not developed.
Count the corpses and heads to give the ancient trees enough nutrients. The ancient trees here naturally grow very well.
The ghost said that I stepped on every ground and it was either a corpse or a head.
The ghost words struck a chord in my heart. I asked him how many ghosts he had seen on this desert island.
The ghost said only a few things, saying that he seemed to be the only one who insisted on finding his head, but when he was always able to perceive the position of his head, he found that his head was already in array.
Chapter five hundred and twenty-five The Woodkeeper
When I heard about the ability of the head ghost to perceive the head position, I knew that what the ghost said before should be true.
Seven days after death, the soul leaves the bone, which refers to the position of the head, neck, limbs, body and trunk of the person.
A ghost can only perceive where his missing body parts are after his body level exceeds that of the ghost.
Chief, the ghost stopped pronouncing after he finished speaking, and I kept silent and focused on my way, no matter how many bodies and heads I stepped on, I didn’t?
When I was walking past an ancient tree, I saw the yellow amber round bead on my wrist that could distinguish the monster from the transient red.
This situation made me frown. Without hesitation, I quickly removed the dagger from the object ring and cut the trunk of the ancient tree directly.
When I saw that there was no abnormality in the ancient tree and there was no evil spirit overflowing, I knew that the ancient tree had the potential of being a demon and had not yet become a demon.
Since the ancient tree has not yet become a demon, I choose to ignore it first, and then I will try to solve it when I meet the forester.
When I was about to reach the ranger’s position, I continued to lead the way, and the ghost was hiding. I arrived at the ranger’s position alone
I saw a layout in front of me when I stood there.
Reading in sections 353
A lot of complicated and violent array methods are stacked one after another. The array method killing potential department points to the central position of the array method, and there is no ranger anywhere I can see.
I saw a lot of skulls on the ground, and the overall appearance of these skulls seemed to follow the rules, but it seemed to be placed according to some rules.
Just look at the array in front of me and guess what ghost was trapped in the array. When I heard another cough, this time it came near the array from a distance.
When I heard the cough, I was conditioned to find a place nearby to hide. After hiding, I shook my head and appeared from the hiding place again.
The real reason why I came here this time is because I have a curiosity about the forester on a desert island. If I didn’t promise the ghost to find the head, I could still choose to look at it from a distance and leave, but I promised the ghost to find the head. I have to face the forester sooner or later.
I don’t have much time to stay on this desert island. Besides, I have three team members, Rowling and jesse Xiji. I can keep the foresters alone and have face-to-face communication opportunities. I don’t think it’s all pitiful
The horse is about to meet my target tonight, the ranger. It is absolutely not advisable for me to avoid the shadow method again.
As the cough got closer and closer, I saw an old man with white hair and beard coming from a distance. The old man was in rags and his back was slightly rickety, and he walked very steadily. He was carrying a rabbit in his hand that was not dead yet.
When I stared at the old man, he looked in my direction, but he also glanced at me, so I staggered my eyes, just as I did, and his eyes were different from those of trees and weeds
I quietly stood and watched the old man always close to the periphery of the law, watched the old man take out a sharp dagger from a hole covered by weeds, watched the old man’s dagger become familiar with it, peeled the rabbit, watched the old man’s dagger cut the meat and ate it raw, and never disemboweled the rabbit.
I waited for the old man to eat the rabbit’s flesh on July 7th, and then I lifted my foot and walked towards the old man, three steps away from him and stopped.
Sitting on the ground, the old man lifted his face and glanced at me, then bowed his head again and continued to focus on cutting meat and eating meat.
I knew from the ghost that the old man had never left the desert island for decades and saw the old man concentrate on cutting meat and eating meat. I squatted down and took out some things, food and water and put them in front of the old man
I had given up a lot of food and water before I came here for this ten-day trip.
I began to take out things, quit food and water, and put them in front of the old man. When the old man cut meat and ate meat, he stopped his eyes and stared at my hands with food and water.
When I stopped teleporting food and water from the object ring, the old man got up from sitting on the ground and put me in front of him. All the food and water were put into the hole in the tree where he hid the knife, and then he sat back in front of me and ignored me with his eyelids down.
The old man’s reaction made my mouth twitch. I took out the food and water from the ring again and put it in front of the old man. The old man took it once again, but he still didn’t speak to me.
Until I gave the food and water department to the old man, the old man remained silent after receiving the order
Looking at the old man sitting in front of me with drooping eyelids, I felt deeply that I told the old man that he was too unkind to do so, and he should say something anyway.
Because the appearance of the old man is between Japanese and Japanese, I specially told him in Chinese and Japanese, but he ignored me.