If the road has not been repaired after planting the land, he can directly move the tunnel to let the farm transport the grain on the spot.
Even in the process of farming, the materials needed by each farm can be transferred through the tunnel.
Everything is for food production.
Yuan Heguang didn’t refuse to come up with a detailed plan the next day.
With the help of satellites, modern colonial methods no longer need to send real people to survey and map a little as before.
Yuan Heguang has already determined the distribution of basic resources in most areas of this new planet through satellite images and data.
He knows the shallow mineral deposits of the whole planet, not to mention the places suitable for developing agriculture.
So he immediately circled 20 places that might be suitable for becoming the main agricultural producing areas
"These areas haven’t been explored yet, but they are all plains with water. From the spectral results, there should be no strange substances and the climate is warm and humid …"
Zhang Tianyuan listened to the introduction and immediately decided to send a team to each tunnel for further exploration and land reclamation.
Shortly after the exploration team set off
There was also news from Snow Country.
Morgan’s gang is already in the tribal network!
At the same time, Cheng Wanli decided to organize all countries to sign a body transfer agreement, and then push Morgan and others out to the public trial to reveal the truth to the people of the ball before sending them away.
When Zhang Tianyuan returned to Snow Country after a lapse of half a month.
At present, the average temperature has dropped to 15 degrees, and there was another big storm in the middle east desert a few days ago
The original desert turned into a snowy desert after the storm, and yellow turned into white, which made people’s eyes hurt.
But the locals were not excited by the heavy snow.
On the contrary, they are terrified.
Include his country, are not frightened.
The reason is that the frequency of low temperature storms is too high.
It happened three times in a short month, both of which caused serious casualties. So far, things have not been dealt with after the two storms in North America and South America.
Although the desert battle did not cause too many casualties, it still defeated everyone’s psychological defense.
No one knows where a low temperature storm will appear and how many people will be taken away.
Everyone’s mood of migration is more urgent.
Naturally, it’s easier to catch a wanted man named Cheng Wanli.
In addition to Morgan and wilford, there are 32 principals of Morgan gang and 440 accomplices.
According to the plan, these people and their families are all snow country trains, and there are no signs of being coerced to participate.
Zhang Tianyuan and other members of the mutual aid association witnessed the successful signing of the ball-gaze migration agreement.
In three days at most, the railway will be connected with Yuan Heguang when it snows.
If we hurry, the railway can still be connected with Professor Brand in half a month.
By then, with the help of these two railways, a large number of people can be transferred.
When you are in Snow Country, you need to make any knot as you did when you were in Snow Country. You need to sign an agreement, then arrive at the train as planned, and then take the transfer train.
Most parts of the world island are connected by railway.
Of course, it is more unlucky to be alone in the Australian mainland overseas.
Neither the national weight route nor the wilford ball tour route passed by him.
So he has to transfer the ship or vehicle according to the experience of "212"
In addition, it is the Morgan gang trial.
It took five days and five nights for the international court of justice to go through the motions of these personnel departments, and all of them got the same result-
Death penalty!
Being carried to court on a stretcher, Morgan had no accident. From the day when his children and grandchildren froze to death, he had expected his end.
Most of his principal criminals also bowed their heads at their fate.
On the contrary, those accomplices were dumbfounded.
There were so many people on their side before, and the court wouldn’t sentence too many people to death …
I didn’t expect it to be a death penalty!
Hearing this result, the accomplices almost went crazy, and many people shouted in court that it was a massacre.
Then these people were stripped to their bare clothes after the court and escorted away. All these people were shivering with cold.
Nearly 500 people were all executed.
And I heard that the death penalty injection room where the execution was carried out was inexplicably broken. If we get rid of these people before the official start of the migration work, we can change the execution …
Even the Ministry of Mutual Aid has attracted some attention.
It is sometimes the first time to see such a mass execution and these people will be executed in secret.
However, no one has expressed any objection to this. Many people still feel happy in their hearts. Some people think that shooting these people is already cheap. They should be thrown into the ice and snow to let them taste the feeling of freezing to death.
Four hundred and seventy-two shots were fired and four hundred and seventy-two big watermelons exploded.
These are all related to Zhang Tianyuan
He is looking at the page now.
There is a message on the surface, a message that he has read once.
The new world has been retrieved—
Mad Max Furious Road
Unexpected result
Zhang Tianyuan picked his eyebrows and his mouth twitched slightly.
Chapter 42 Destroyed satellites
Can’t we have a more harmonious world?
Zhang Tianyuan recalled the plot of Furious Road.
To put it bluntly, Max, an Australian highway patrolman, experienced all kinds of adventures and regrets in the chaos after the collapse of order and the loss of his family.
Justice and conscience in his heart often make him miserable. In reality, the dead seem to turn into ghosts and often whisper around him.
That’s it. Personal background Max got involved in a bully gang and joined the righteous side.
Finally, after exciting battles and desert chasing, he successfully overthrew the area ruled by bullies before, bringing new hope.
After all this, he patted his ass and left without leaving a name.
This story sounds very positive, but Zhang Tianyuan remembers that there is a deformed person in the world one after another after the nuclear war.
People have been tortured by lack of resources, and most areas are no longer suitable for planting because of soil acidification.
At the same time, the water source is also in short supply or polluted …
At the same time, social order has collapsed