"This is a real fairy after the robbery. I am waiting for you!" There is a yuan god screaming.
"Kang Daoyou!" Sui rice looked at the power of the clutches and asked Kang Xuanlu for help.
Chapter three hundred and fifty-one Send treasure
In the eyes of Sui Rice, Kang Xuanlu’s strength is bottomless
Just now, I have shown a fairy machine, and it is only when there are scattered fairies that I can get it.
Now it’s time to save my life.
Do it quickly!
Of course, Lin Chong will not destroy all the elite yuan gods in the alliance by this blow.
Although the battle effectiveness of the Yuan gods together is not worth anything, this Chang ‘an is not the main battlefield.
Xu Junhu’s existing realm of scattered immortals can’t be repaired, but Lin Chong didn’t try it. He directly sacrificed Lin’s thoughtlessness to see the housework.
Scissors and rags!
The highest simulation object of Lin’s bad fortune magic is the nine-robbery true fairy, which will definitely not exceed this number behind the clutches.
So I saw a huge’ V’ scissors with the same length of 100 feet, which solidified and swept up, and it would destroy half of the tent and tear it directly. It was also full of monstrous magic flames, and the palm of the hundred feet was spelled together.
The magic flame is flying.
The two big hands were smashed into the world by a fairy machine. It was like smashing several huge stones in a calm sea. There were magic flames everywhere, but every monk of the Yuan God was like being under a spell. At that time, he became crazy in body and mind, and his eyes were purple and red, and he wanted to achieve the devil.
"The possessed person will be killed!"
Jinding Patriarch has just been pressed by a magic hand, but it’s no big deal. After all, he’s hard-working and strong.
At the moment to see the magic flame is fierce is not from get nasty.
However, those monks who have been robbed by demons don’t go for a while. After all, they are all brothers or make friends. How can they bear it?
"Quick start work! Otherwise, this place will become a magic robbery and millions of troops will be buried! " Practice iron clothes and yell, and at the same time, it turns into the golden tripod of your own treasure.
Seeing the iron clothes being practiced, reaching for the tripod and slamming it into the tripod, I cried out and flew out with thousands of magic weapons, each of which seemed to go straight to those low-ranking monks who had been robbed by magic, and died with a blow through their hearts and intestines.
There was chaos in the Coalition forces.
And Lin Chong’s hands turned to fly ash again after a phase-magic opposite clutches offset each other.
This one-time consumption … Lin Chong sighed and gave the dream fairy body to Lin Zhou to find a suitable substitute in the big dream.
Now only let Xu Junhu to a top.
But the clutches of the day after tomorrow is also nothing happened.
There is a light sigh: "Xiang Mengxian is really difficult to spare them …"
Sound so familiar turned out to be Huang Shitian.
Lin Chong cried and looked at the monstrous evil spirit and bloody dark cloud avenue in the sky. "Huang Shitian, you finally stir up and wait for me to find you!"
"I’ll wait for you …" Dark clouds dispersed in the sky.
The sun shines again, but it leaves a mess in the Coalition camp.
Just now, Huang Shitian deliberately left a magic bullet to disturb the allied camp.
Although it was Lin Chong who forgot to gamble that attracted Monty to spy on him, even the whole coalition elite would have been crushed by this palm. After that, the magic flame scattered and swallowed up a million troops, turning the valley of letters into a magic robbery Jedi.
Fortunately, there are not many soldiers infected by magic at the moment, but there is no way to eliminate them one by one.
Whether it’s Yuan Shen Gao Ren or ordinary soldiers, all of them feel a twinge of fear as if they are in a gloomy ghost land.
If there is so much power in the other camp, what’s the point of this Coalition?
Sui Daolian and Wei Yingwu, who arrived at the news, dealt with the mess together. The real Coalition forces did not suffer much damage, but hundreds of people suffered from magic, but their confidence plummeted. At the beginning, the thunder swept the hole and won the battle.
If there were not an equally powerful and powerful person in our own camp, there would have been deserters.
It’s not impossible for those yuan gods to withdraw.
At the moment, people look at Kang Xuanlu in a completely different way, that is, the eyes of ants looking up at giants.
Lin Chong also ignored them and came to forget the plane near.
Lin Chong, who forgot the machine to calculate the funds, was Pei. In those days, he calculated that Monty himself had died once, but he forgot the machine at the cost of a pair of eyes and saw that Lin Chong had not calculated the information.
"Daoyou, are you okay?" Lin Chong took out a golden mushroom from the void and handed it to the forgetting machine. "This is a fairy that can help you recover from your injury."
"Thank you, Daoyou, I just hurt a little bit, but it’s just a matter." Forgetting the machine or a face of’ I don’t have anything’ pushed Lin Chong to give him mushrooms. Although he was blind, he groped for Lin Chong to doubt whether he was a Japanese.
"Who won the gambling just now?" Forgetting the machine experience is this: "I have calculated that if the five demons are all achieved, it will be a cat’s paw. The magic world belongs to this world as a bloody hell. This matter needs to be warned to this world! Otherwise, this world is in danger! "
Lin Chong looked at the emotion of forgetting the machine. Once excited, his eyes shed gold blood again. This is more than hurting the source … Are you okay with Daoyin? I’m afraid the golden mark of Daoyin has been wiped.
"Don’t worry, Taoist, I already know about it." Lin Chong whispered in his ear. "This is where Monty is. I’ll deal with it."
"Ah …" Forgot the machine and stared at Lin Chong with golden blood, and suddenly got a wan smile. "Not the kui is a fairy, not the kui is a fairy, not the kui is a bamboo …"