"Teacher Luo, I have a question. This ability is not our genetic miracle. Many gene evolutionists have visual ability.
Teacher Luo, why don’t you try to study with them? "Xu back confused way.
"Say hello!"
"There are three reasons. First, the development of new human neurons in our genes generally peaks at the age of 16 to 1.
At the peak, some neurons will continue to die and regenerate, achieving a balance between death and regeneration.
But after the age of 25, this balance will be broken, and the number of new neurons will gradually be less than that of dead neurons.
The older people get, the less responsive they are, which is why.
Most gene evolutionists are generally thirty or even forty years old, and their advantages in doing this research are not as good as those of you young people.
The second gene, the new human, is to knock down the genome of human beings in a stable closed-loop state after injecting the gene compound chain allele, so as to start mutation and evolution through cultivation.
Gene liberators, gene mutants and gene evolutionists all come from this.
However, this cultivation process is actually a process in which the new human genome will become stable again.
It is ten times more difficult and even a hundred times more expensive for gene evolutionists to start a new gene capability chain than for your students at this stage
No one is willing to cooperate with me in this hopeless research.
The third fact is that they don’t need it.
By the time of gene evolution, the overall quality has improved, and the average personal nerve reaction speed is about 1 millisecond.
There is no real significance in the impact of further promotion on their strength, "Luo Shifeng said
"I see."
Xu Xu nodded. "Teacher Luo, when will you teach me to train my muscle reaction speed?" Xu asked back.
Luo Shifeng first zheng, then face a surprise.
"You promised?"
"What don’t promise? For me, it’s just to extend the training period of nerve reaction speed
But I can get a one-on-one personal guidance from Professor Daniel! I heard from Teacher Liu Lan that she went out to give a private lesson to senior high school students and charged two thousand yuan for an hour and a half.
You, professor Daniel, come to guide me one-on-one. I’m making a fortune! "Xu back laughed.
Luo Shifeng looked at Xu back and couldn’t help heart!
It’s a great neurological research event, and when it comes to Xu tui’s mouth, he can actually make money and make a fortune.
Xu tui this small or that taste-dig!
"In that case, I will give you the first lesson of muscle reaction speed today! Remember that I’m a Daniel, a professor. It’s not too much for me to charge you 20 thousand yuan for a one-on-one private lesson, is it?
I’ll give you a little memory. If you don’t study it carefully, I want you to pay me back! "
In a good mood, Luo Shifeng also rarely joked with Xu.
Muscle reaction speed Huaxia Gene Evolution University is a small category and a training course. Stop it. There are no subjects.
Although you are nervous, Luo Shifeng has been teaching freshmen for more than 20 years.
But at least it is one!
But muscle reaction speed, let alone all subjects, is a course
The main reason is that there is no independent corresponding gene base point for muscle reaction speed.
The speed of muscle reaction is more a kind of muscle reaction reinforcement and memory.
Muscle strengthening limits the strength and speed of various parts of the body, and the genetic basis points are as follows
Usually, the so-called muscle reaction speed training refers to muscle memory training.
And it’s not that the stronger the muscles in a certain part, the stronger the muscles are, and the faster the muscles react.
This requires professional methods and equipment for training.
Muscle reaction speed course has a one-year course in sophomore year.
With the help of professional methods and equipment, the muscles of various parts are trained in a targeted manner.
It’s almost enough to keep a state after intensive training of 639 muscles in batches in turn.
According to Luo Shifeng, the most scarce thing for sophomore students is not their girlfriends, but the multifunctional muscle response training warehouse.
It is often necessary to make an appointment a few days before you can make an appointment.
However, there are two training warehouses in the Neuroscience Research Center to study multifunctional muscle response, and one of them is now retired.
This is convenient. If a sophomore listens to it, I’m afraid she will be jealous.
Luo Shifeng gave Xu another idea and another concept during the training.
One idea is that Luo Shifeng thinks that the comprehensive reaction speed of human beings dominates the real or nerve reaction speed.
Another concept is that the comprehensive reaction speed of human body is actually a very complicated system. Engineering strength, speed, muscle strength, muscle stress and even energy field can affect the comprehensive reaction speed to a certain extent.
This reminds Xu tui of the fact that when Tang Ting first started the gene base point, it was the hand speed gene base point.
Actually, this hand speed should also be a bit of a comprehensive reaction speed.
However, it becomes very complicated to study the comprehensive response speed once the individual nerve response speed is thrown away.
The more you know, the more mysterious and complicated the human body feels.