Previously, Xu tui once asked Huang to send a large number of man-machine and reconnaissance robots to search the entire Taoyuan Star.
First, the establishment of real-time ground map of Taoyuan Star is mainly to find the natural sources and places where Taoyuan Star can gather.
These natural sources can gather together to build a three-talent energy gathering array in the source energy training room, and the energy gathering effect is very good.
Generally, the concentration of source energy can reach nine units.
There are more than a dozen points detected in this way, and there are six so far.
However, because of its remoteness, this energy gathering place in the eastern mountainous area did not make great efforts. Huang sent ten robots to carry out infrastructure construction step by step.
Foundation land leveling, line pipeline preset underground foundation excavation and preset for such a long time, even ten robots have reached a certain scale, and the infrastructure has been completed.
But when Xu tui and others arrived, they froze.
The original infrastructure has already been completed and has become a ruin. One of the ten robots has become a wreck, and the other nine are currently on standby.
"Colonel, according to the manual log of the machine, there suddenly appeared a source energy eruption. Robot 1127 was directly jetted and scrapped on the spot.
However, the eruption speed is not fast, and its robot avoids it according to the hedging procedure.
Then after two hours, it became what it is now. "
Qu Qingshan sent a video to Xu tui.
Video: The energy-rich ground source in the eastern mountainous area can erupt suddenly, but it doesn’t erupt like the overflow channel of Mars source energy.
But contraction after eruption.
Gradually, with the contraction, more and more source energy is gathered, forming a vortex of source energy. At first glance, something looks a bit like a metering channel.
However, this is the case that the vision appears for half an hour.
Now this mirror-like vortex has turned deep black.
If you have to find a metaphor for it, it’s like a …
Micro black hole!
Xu back suddenly appeared in my mind the word.
According to modern science, there are black holes in the universe, but black holes are really as huge as easily swallowing up a planet.
But this deep source energy vortex is a bit like a miniature black hole.
I really can’t leave any light
Xu tui tried a variety of tests, saying that products or all kinds of light will disappear if they are put into or irradiated!
Department disappears!
Light can also devour!
This feature is really a bit like a black hole!
After a minute, Xu retired and looked at a 100-meter rope to show his thinking color.
Just now, they lowered this rope with equipment into this miniature black hole.
It did hang in.
And then came out again.
But the rope equipment department is broken!
Rope intact
This thing …
"Huang will be a brainwave star low-level ant beast transported over part of the preparation of in vivo test to see the actual situation of this miniature black hole.
In addition, I will bring prisoners from Mulin Star to be injected with therapeutic agents, and after hypnosis, they will conduct live detection.
At the same time, a small number of Yaoling criminals were transferred from the prison of Yaoling No.1 planet. I want them to carry out live detection. "Xu retreated to a series of orders.
This order was made in front of the silver.
Silver has no objection.