One day, he was wandering around the edge of Haitian, the inner layer of the Sea Temple, when the voice of Zi Yan suddenly came from the "Yu Pei" in his mind.
"Xiao asked?"
"No practice, go ahead." Xiao asked directly.
"The target has been chosen."
"Oh, who is it?"
"Dragon wing."
Xiao asked ZiYan about this man, but he didn’t ask him in detail, only knowing the general strength of the other side. "What’s your plan?"
At this moment, Ziyan’s words actually brought a smile: "I’m going to seduce him out."
"hmm? !”
"Louis never told me, but I can see from his eyes that he has a mind for me. But this guy has always been cautious, and I’m afraid I have to suffer a little loss to gain his trust. "
"Uh …"
Purple Yan suddenly laughed and said, "What, are you jealous?"
"Bah …"
"You must be blushing now, giggle." Purple Yan laughed, obviously on this matter.
"Hurry up and get down to business!" Xiao asked nu way.
Violet Yan changed her face quickly, and immediately became serious again: "When the time comes, you will lie in wait outside, and I will lead him to your side. The two of us will explode and make a fuss. If we can’t kill him, we will also seriously hurt him."
"This is your plan? Didn’t you say that you wanted to disintegrate and at the same time gather your own forces? " Xiao asked in astonishment.
"I don’t know the situation is changing so fast! Now, only the first few Japanese … "Purple Yan annoyed tunnel.
"You’re only in the middle-level sub-god realm now, and with me, can we fight it?" Xiao asked.
"Isn’t that a sneak attack?" Purple Yan didn’t good the spirit way.
However, Xiao asked that she had a guilty conscience from Zi Yan’s mouth.
"What’s the matter? You don’t seem to be as sure as I am? " Xiao asked hurriedly asked.
"I got a message and I don’t know if it’s true or not." Purple Yan hesitate tunnel.
"What news?"
"The war demons showed the Twelve Volumes of Monty’s Kung Fu to Longyi and others."
"I’ll go! Get out of here!/Really? This can’t be a joke! "
"Who’s kidding you! However, whether it is true or not, we’d better do it as soon as possible. If it’s true, after getting the Twelve Volumes of Monty’s Skill, the more we rely on their strength, the stronger we will be, and the more we will not be rivals. If it’s fake, then it’s no problem for us to go together in the case of sneak attack. " Purple Yan analyzed. (To be continued. )

Chapter five hundred and thirty-one Louis
"Also, when exactly do you act?" Xiao asked again.
"It’s only a few days. I’ll plan it carefully. You’re ready."
"I see. Hey, why do I feel like a bad guy? " Xiao asked suddenly interrupted laughed.
"You are not a good person!" Purple Yan didn’t good the spirit way.
"You are it? !” Xiao asked.
"am I rare?" Purple Yan disdain tunnel.
"OK, you go and do your thing." Xiao asked to press a way.
Xiao asked if it was okay, and when he said purple Yan, he was a little irritated. Everyone else was eager to say a few more words with her. Xiao asked the dead little man to take the initiative to catch her!
"Words haven’t finished yet. What’s your hurry? !” Purple Yan nu way.
"Is there anything else?" Xiao asked doubtfully.
"No …" Ziyan was embarrassed, but it would be really nothing to say. "I’m leaving, you should improve your strength quickly, and don’t hold me back then!"
"Don’t worry, I’ll never hold your back, just my front leg, haha."
"Death is small, bravery is fat!" Purple Yan nu way.
"This is what 90,000 just muttered, and I heard it, not bad for me." Xiao asked quizzically.
"I want to ask 90 thousand!"
"Sorry, I don’t have time to go out." Xiao asked to continue rogue …