Not all Germans have a high degree of mechanization, and the infantry who take turns to take the place of the battles in cities are old-fashioned infantry who are not equipped with much modern machinery and equipment. They rely on manpower and animal power to drag their guns and other heavy equipment in the ruins, and even dogs can’t see any modern German soldiers pulling the roots of seized heavy machine guns.

However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate these experienced combat troops. They don’t have many elite weapons in their hands, not because these troops are not elite, but because the German industrial production capacity law makes every German army equipped with enough tanks and armored vehicles "Machine guns cover the left wing! Sniper, […]

"Don’t ask for a family’s opinion before asking them to eat a big meal?" Rollin Wang saw that all the dishes were ordered before I came, and she still regarded her as a child from her heart, so she pouted and protested again

"protest effect!" I teased her on purpose "Hum!" Rollin Wang pouted and sulked. "Well, my brother-in-law is wrong. My brother-in-law promises to ask your opinion first when eating with you!" "Don’t lie and I’m not a child. I’m ten years old!" "Don’t lie. Are you a big girl, not a child?" …… Doby is young […]