The morale of the die-hards who are worried about the outside world is low and they become extremely silent. The foreign factions are politically active through diplomacy and disaster relief workers.

But silence is also a kind of power. Silence means a state of pressure accumulation. When the pressure reaches its limit, it will inevitably erupt. The reason why conservatives and die-hards broke out was the invasion of northeast China. The railway company recruited workers, sent them to the port one train at a time, and […]

Fighting is not the kui is the first in the list of great powers in mainland China. The power of this’ designated Gankun’ avatar is not that Mo Xuan and Yi Dong can withstand it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa … Yun Fan side at the same time there are twelve sword light is twelve handle xuan sword blooming golden light. The emperor’s sword control tactic is also the magical power of Jin Daoyun. Yun Fan holds up half the sky in an instant, and thousands of meters at the top of […]

"That’s what we fought just now." The tone of the other party increased a little. "Don’t tell me that you were in a daze and didn’t pay attention to our fight just now! 」

"…" Should I answer him? Is he half right? "Oh my god, should not you just really stunned? "Another human confidence expression shook his head. "Ga la? Master in a daze? "BaoLei head up a question mark. Strange. Do I know them? I found that the tone of the conversation between the other party and […]

"Ha ha … congratulations on your reunion. It’s really gratifying. If there’s nothing to do, please leave first!" Song Haidao got up with a smile and bowed and walked out!

"Come back here!" Lonely born with a catch this open flower overlord was up like a chicken "how dare you lie to my wife? What else do you say about making friends with me? " Bai Linger heard lonely born to call his wife’s face reddish, and her heart was full of sweetness. Song Haiduo […]