"No, I don’t believe you!" Wu Liang said strongly, "Don’t, I haven’t seen TV dramas. It’s always like this. You must be Peng Jianren! I don’t care if I want a lawyer. I won’t say anything without a lawyer! "

"…" Two policemen shook their heads to discuss a question before the policeman said, "Well, since you insist on seeing a lawyer, you can call your lawyer now when we can give you some." Wu Liang took out his cell phone and waved it in front of the demonstrative policeman. But he was muggle again […]

Since there is no fighting, it is better to take the initiative to attack and become stronger, and it is more likely to live in misfortune.

"Ho ho …" "See" figure Wolf riding mouth ho ho hip Wolf corpse suddenly accelerated in the hands of pike gun tip thrill by speed afterburner straight toward Zhou Jia. Shield against! Peng!’ The pike dropped the shield and was immediately bounced high, and the momentum of the wolf riding forward was not delayed. "death!" […]

People can’t strike quickly and retreat. The mobile hood falls on the head cap to reveal a handsome face, but it doesn’t delay the facial features. The facial features are exquisite and the expression is somewhat blank.

"Zhong Yan!" Be thrown out Xu Sirui steady body also saw the face exclaimed. It’s seven murders! Fang Yin reacted in an instant and looked around. I didn’t see another person who was nervous, like Xu Sirui, the hairy hedgehog. How important is it to the seven kills? I don’t cherish trying to kill him, […]

Taotao simply arranged them so that she could do something. She wandered around these shelves. When she strolled to a shelf containing her name, she suddenly saw a broken, unnamed small place in the center of the shelf, which stood out because there was nothing else in the front, back, left and right.

That leather peach has seen the four elements of sacred purification twice, and she has learned two. -lying on the snow and printing on the mountain. That’s what they look like She always knew that taking the moon seal was in Hualing Hospital, but it was no accident that she suddenly appeared like this. Taotao’s […]