"Don’t worry, 3,000 blood guards are not afraid of life and death, and they don’t know the pain, death and immortality. You can change your master on this day as soon as the king orders."

"That’s good. I hope that the blood guard is really like what you said. Otherwise, if I fail, I’m afraid you’re not much better. You’ve done that one by one enough for you to die many times!" Say that finish swinging sleeve out of the chamber of secrets. Not long after King Huai went out, […]

"Fellow comrades" Sun Haoqing’s long voice rang out "Aquilaria has a way to keep the golden light from escaping and everyone will fast forward"

Look at each other Five monks then Tengchong to the canyon. When they rushed past Sun Hao, they found that as expected, as Sun Hao said, the golden light seemed to be attracted by great attraction, and Sun Hao was firmly attached to them, and they did not respond to crossing Taniguchi. One-eyed Hao has […]

"Huh?" Liu Yi was suddenly surprised. He naturally knew that the situation in the demon court department also decided when the battle would be fought. So it was a turning point. "Dare you ask the general what direction the battle will go now?"

"The general expected that if it was not bad, the new king of Yaoting would quickly succeed to the throne and we would make peace." Zhao thief deadpan said "You mean …" General Liu frowned. There is no doubt that the demon clan army is reinforced by the demon court, which gives the demon clan […]

The network communication of each planet’s population can be suspended except for military channels.

After encrypting the network, it can be carried out in a limited time. Restrict individuals and groups from accessing the Internet across planets. " "white horse to carry out" is blurred without hesitation Although the execution of these commands caused a little noise. But it’s nothing. military orders are like mountains―military orders must be obeyed […]

And he finally white what zhuang not far will ask LaoFeng when the generation of the duke.

Chapter 93 Food War Feng Liangzhou’s swearing was played out as a word. In fact, most people can’t understand what he scolds. His pronunciation, which is mixed with two languages and dialects, is simply more magical than Zhuang Dad’s understanding ability. However, most of the information that human beings get is not through language, but […]

At the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols swept across Eurasia. When they sent troops, they always sent out detailed information to spread their own powerful news first, which made it easier to attack the city.

"But I can achieve this plan because Huainan has been recovered before winter, and half of the southern Xinjiang confederate army has made a famous name." Master Zhao summed up the gains and losses. The first world war went smoothly because he reorganized an Eastern Palace Secret Guard a few months ago and sneaked into […]


Although modric is on the pitch, he is not the only organizer of Lazio’s attack. Every player can be an organizer when he takes the ball, and they are all capable of doing this in this respect. This will make it very difficult for Manchester United to defend. Just like attacking Bayern Munich, Lazio’s first […]