Su Yu tentatively asked, although the unified patting of the chest ensured the effect of "small self-elixir", Su Yu still wanted to ask the parties how they felt.

"Hoo ~!" The three elders often spit out a foul breath, and two smells like white dragons are ejected from their nostrils, which fills the air on the table. A strong jade tea lamp gently caresses the jade tea lamp and turns the fly ash into dust! Dissipate with the polluted air! "The Ministry has […]

"There used to be 41 players here, but now there are 411 players. If you want to take the group of maids across the street, there should be no problem."

Huaxia love haha gave Zhao Bohao a positive answer. "Then what are you waiting for?" Zhao Bohao got up from the grass and prepared to charge the ladies-in-waiting, but he sat down depressed when he saw that the players had not moved. "What is selling me?" Zhao Bohao depressed to see the eyes of Chinese […]

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Star LengYu take a smoke corners of the mouth.

"Did you see her?" Yue Xuanyi’s tone is slightly cold. "Ah?" Star LengYu didn’t react. "Oh, our star gentleman finally wants to be secretly promised?" Yang Hao leaned close to his face and teased excitedly. "You think too much" Xing Lengyu caressed his forehead and thought too much. They are brother and sister! Why incest? […]

"Without this thing, it’s nothing for the yogi, right? But if there is one, you say that there is one for the mortals, and I’m afraid the Xiuzhen family will buy it." After three thoughts, I said.

"Well, I won’t demonstrate it because of the limited ammunition. If you can help me sell it and exchange it for sixty lingshi," Haikui said, shaking his gun. Three thought for a moment and said, "Well, I’ll help you find a way to sell it at a price of 60 lingshi for you and the […]

"Yes," you also said, "I’m going to close my practice this time and try to break through the intermediate level of the foundation and advance to the higher level. I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish it this year. With these contributions, it’s just worth it!"

"Why, isn’t there no hard work for my younger brother?" Wrong novel network don’t jump word who avoid smell this was startled way 幽卫忌乃是同时入门对卫忌情况却是很了解知道其一入门就闭很多事情还是不清楚故而立时其做了解释 原来五行宗根据弟级别不同每年也都有定量要完成而且没有酬劳这个是强制性倒不是说五行宗非要剥削门弟所如此却是想要门弟多一份儿磨砺能够更好成长罢了毕竟修不是一味苦修就能够成就 不过闭修炼时自然就没有了完成功夫儿在这等情况既可将累积起来也可自身功劳去抵消不过因五行宗不倡门弟功劳去顶故而却是需要两倍功劳才能抵消 然而尽管是如此闭五行宗弟要是有功劳还是愿意功劳去顶尽管这比较吃亏但是却是胜在安因很多时候闭是法控制具体时若是时太长累加起来数量就很是恐怖了而闭弟、长老出来一般修都是要增长不少故而再去完成哪些低等级就不合适了在这种情况执事殿人往往就会将那些折算成一些难度高、危险大大多弟不愿意去让你执行 幽前身家也不小不过了此次斩杀龙首蟒夺得冰丹可谓是耗尽了身家所剩功劳却是不足抵消了此番有了眼前这些宝藏斩获却是正好可填补了那些缺让其出后不于太过忙碌也不于去冒太大风险 “原来如此!看来我此次回山后还得向师傅好生垂询一我预支那些功劳到底有没有扣除掉折算这些若是没有那我可有忙了!”卫忌心中暗自思量道 Chapter 24 Core brother Chapter 24 Core brother The treasure has been dealt with, and the people naturally discuss the distribution method immediately. This is very […]


When Su Ling left Yunman’s tent, Yu Su took her time to flicker out of a tent! The two men shuttled side by side around specially different tents, and soon Yu Su said, "Leader, I have written to Nie Lin to ask him to search for news from White Tiger as soon as possible! But […]

Silent month flow sound lip Angle gently evokes a smile limit charm "you say no? Don’t forget that I’m your husband and it’s your turn to listen. "

Married husband … Doesn’t this woman know? But … It seems that this woman has no such consciousness at all. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so arrogant in front of that prince. "Fuck you, Section 9: Don’t be too careless when you speak! But … It seems that this woman has no such consciousness at all. […]