Selling tens of millions of square meters of buildings has fallen to tens of thousands of square meters, and no one wants to take over! It was not until the situation stabilized that it slowly recovered its strength. Even their government couldn’t tell how much it had lost! "

Harlem stare big eyes "is it not a nuclear bomb? Is it so terrible? Almost destroyed a country! " Liu Weiping said, "The most terrible attack of nuclear weapons is not military, but political and economic. It can be said that no matter how strong the country gets a nuclear bomb, even if the equivalent […]

Not all Germans have a high degree of mechanization, and the infantry who take turns to take the place of the battles in cities are old-fashioned infantry who are not equipped with much modern machinery and equipment. They rely on manpower and animal power to drag their guns and other heavy equipment in the ruins, and even dogs can’t see any modern German soldiers pulling the roots of seized heavy machine guns.

However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate these experienced combat troops. They don’t have many elite weapons in their hands, not because these troops are not elite, but because the German industrial production capacity law makes every German army equipped with enough tanks and armored vehicles "Machine guns cover the left wing! Sniper, […]

Haikui seems to feel bad, and he sees that the old lady’s complexion is getting better and better. Haikui’s heart is thumped. He has heard the word "dead to shine", but he feels that this is the case with the old lady now. Is it that the old lady is dying?

Haikui couldn’t bear it for a moment. Before he left, he whispered, "Grandma, I’m back. You should live well." "Of course, my good grandson," the old lady shed tears in her eyes. The doctor sighed lightly, and when others didn’t notice him, he withdrew. Yu Lin and Haikui are in front of the old lady’s […]

And he finally white what zhuang not far will ask LaoFeng when the generation of the duke.

Chapter 93 Food War Feng Liangzhou’s swearing was played out as a word. In fact, most people can’t understand what he scolds. His pronunciation, which is mixed with two languages and dialects, is simply more magical than Zhuang Dad’s understanding ability. However, most of the information that human beings get is not through language, but […]

"You don’t want to accompany me … then why do you want to come to me? What’s coming to see me? Are you here to make fun of me! "

The emotional voice gradually became full of resentment. "Don’t you want to talk to me if you don’t talk?" "No, I don’t want to come to you. I want to go home!" I shouted with tears in my voice, "Dad! Mom! Come quickly! " "Ho ho …" A vicious smile came from behind. "You can’t […]

But it’s hard to know whether it’s this world or how many things can be done according to one’s own heart.

Even if I entered the realm of cultivating immortals, I was curious at the beginning, but then all kinds of disasters cursed the heavens and suffered hardships. It is impossible for people of the same age to understand such sadness. Even those of them who are similar in age and distance from each other who […]