"No … it’s better to …" The owner of the naturally invited manor especially hates himself at the moment. He is uglier than crying with a quick smile, but he still bites his teeth and jumps from his car. "Why don’t you take my car first?"

"Not good," Zhuang said not far away. "Is my cloth loved by others?" "Don’t love or not!" The owner of the naturally invited manor waved his hand and said, "I don’t want much. I just want to go back by car and …" As soon as the words fall, the manor owner can’t wait to […]

Li Xun’s brain is finally not rigid. I know that in the past few days, Qing Yin has jumped a few times in his eyes and heart unwillingly, but the second half of Qing Yin’s sentence is always a little unsatisfactory.

It’s not his turn to think about Qingyin, and then he added, "This peak is unusual for ordinary people to do naturally, so it’s natural to pay a very high price … Well, you are very clever and strong, and you don’t have to say these facts." Li Jue was dumb. Of course, he wouldn’t […]

Haikui waved his hand, although it was a little regrettable, but it was well concealed. "Forget it, I’m not good at anything, but I won’t do that affair if I’m good to my wife and children."

Having said that, Haikui’s heart is white, and even philandering can’t be known to outsiders. Mu Donglin saw that everything was almost the same, so he didn’t struggle with this question. He laughed. "Please keep this guy under guard for a while. I’ll inform him of that brother." "Well said!" Hai Kui is holding a […]

Xu Ren’s footsteps are still moving and changing with the change of the operation law of the four seasons stars, and at the same time, he keeps waving his sword at the monks in the later period of the reign of Hua Gu Zong Jin Dan

For Xu Ren, although the bone after the strength is stronger, it is no longer a threat to successfully kill the godsworn in the later period of the reign of Hua Gu Zong Jin Dan. With Xu Ren’s deliberate intention to turn the bone into a bone, the monk immediately felt the pressure doubled. He […]

At the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols swept across Eurasia. When they sent troops, they always sent out detailed information to spread their own powerful news first, which made it easier to attack the city.

"But I can achieve this plan because Huainan has been recovered before winter, and half of the southern Xinjiang confederate army has made a famous name." Master Zhao summed up the gains and losses. The first world war went smoothly because he reorganized an Eastern Palace Secret Guard a few months ago and sneaked into […]