
红岩石赌场的一间豪华赌室里上官河正用一条精致的罗帕擦着汗。他的脸红彤彤的但绝不是因为喝了酒或者害羞的关系。而是受了刺激。 让上官河这位翩翩佳公子一再受刺激地也只有一个人萧五。 只要荷官一开局上官河一下筹码萧大猛男就全部。那十个帮他推筹码的兔女郎个个都累出了一身香汗到后来只要萧五手一挥她们便心领神会的将手中的手推车推向赌桌。 “萧兄。”上官河到此时仍能保持儒雅的风度“我说你能不能不这样?你这样有份知道吗?赌的精髓在于博弈换句话说赌的就是技术和智慧但在你地身上我完全感觉不到这些东西。” It’s worthy that Shangguanhe swore without a dirty word, but Xiao Wu obviously didn’t buy this set. He still teased: "Brother Gao can’t afford to lose without money, so just say it. Why do you say gambling so deeply?" Well, I’ll give you one last chance and we’ll win or lose […]

Zi zi zi …

The crimson flame sinks into the sword species, and it is coated with a layer of luxurious Se Ze. With the progress of demonization, the gold pieces of spiritual symbols are gradually connected, and their breath blends and communicates with each other. On top of the sword, a zigzag hieroglyph of tadpoles was rendered into […]

"Ha ha … congratulations on your reunion. It’s really gratifying. If there’s nothing to do, please leave first!" Song Haidao got up with a smile and bowed and walked out!

"Come back here!" Lonely born with a catch this open flower overlord was up like a chicken "how dare you lie to my wife? What else do you say about making friends with me? " Bai Linger heard lonely born to call his wife’s face reddish, and her heart was full of sweetness. Song Haiduo […]

Sunday didn’t know what was going on outside. At the same time, the spacecraft shook. I can’t help but look at the outside world through the window until I find the outside situation; Sunday was immediately frowned.

On Sunday, the original party left by themselves in a spaceship; Blood shadow teaches those people to want to keep them, and they will not have the ability to wait until they fly away; Blood shadow is taught in a short time; Before they were found; Should be to give up those actions against them […]

Silent month flow sound lip Angle gently evokes a smile limit charm "you say no? Don’t forget that I’m your husband and it’s your turn to listen. "

Married husband … Doesn’t this woman know? But … It seems that this woman has no such consciousness at all. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so arrogant in front of that prince. "Fuck you, Section 9: Don’t be too careless when you speak! But … It seems that this woman has no such consciousness at all. […]

Qingyan couldn’t help but have a thrill, gave birth to a virtual commotion, and was ravaged by people. There were a pair of strong and powerful hands that reached into her clothes and grabbed her soft and ruthlessly, without pity.

It’s like there’s a huge stone pressing on his heart and he’s suffocating. Qing Yan was uneasy and twisted her body to get rid of this commotion, but her body was so hot that she longed for panic even more. The feeling of losing control made her uneasy. Suddenly there was a pain in my […]